
Do real estate agents use social media?

Do real estate agents use social media?

Social media can help real estate agents find a wide audience, in the right area and at the right time. In fact, according to the National Association of REALTORS 77\% of real estate agents use social media. Facebook is by far the most popular platform in real estate, followed by LinkedIn and Instagram.

How do Realtors market themselves on social media?

Real Estate Social Media Marketing

  1. Promote the town, not just the house.
  2. Be yourself.
  3. Educate your buyers.
  4. Chat with your followers.
  5. Respond to comments, good and bad.
  6. Avoid simply shouting about your home listings.
  7. Don’t forget video.
  8. Never assume you’re only connecting with first-time buyers.
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Can you target real estate agents on Facebook?

First, you’ll need to select a location. This is where Facebook’s new policies really begin to take effect for real estate agents. Advertisers can no longer target based on zip code for housing. To choose an area where your ad will run, click the “Drop Pin” button and click your desired location.

What should real estate agents post on Facebook?

To get you started, here are 50 real estate post ideas to use on your Facebook page.

  • Use polls and quizzes to learn about your audience.
  • Run contests on your real estate Facebook page.
  • Post about customer success stories.
  • Share a video that you create.
  • Organize regular giveaways.
  • Share a video walk-through of an open house.

Which social media platform is best for real estate?

5 best social media sites for real estate agents

  • Zillow: Zillow is a social network for home buyers, home sellers, real estate investors and real estate professionals.
  • Houzz:
  • Instagram:
  • Twitter:
  • LinkedIn:
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How do I market my real estate on Facebook?

Facebook Page Marketing Tips

  1. Update Your Cover Photo Frequently. Use the cover photo to highlight the homes you have for sale.
  2. Create Helpful Tabs.
  3. Remember the 80/20 Rule.
  4. Respond to Comments.
  5. Use Photos and Video.
  6. Focus on Local Interests.
  7. Share Interesting and Informative Facts.
  8. Offer Helpful Advice.

What Facebook page should I create for real estate?

Create a Facebook Small Business Page You probably want geolocation services like maps and local advertising, so a “business or brand” is your best choice for Facebook marketing for real estate agents.

How often should Realtors post on social media?

According to CoSchedule, in order to increase awareness and engagement, businesses should post: Once per day on Facebook between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. 15 tweets per day on Twitter between the hours of 2 a.m. and 10 p.m. 11 pins per day on Pinterest between the hours of 2 a.m. and 11 p.m.

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Can you post real estate listings on Facebook?

Posting your real estate listings to facebook is easier than you think! Posting to facebook is actually surprisingly easy. In fact, it’s the same way you would post a link to any web page. That is why many agents use a single property website and they direct all their online traffic to that.