
Do people with schizoid get angry?

Do people with schizoid get angry?

Some people believe that schizoid personality disorder is dangerous. However, it is not characterized by aggressive or violent behavior. In fact, people with schizoid personality don’t really get angry much at all. Instead, they have flat emotions and experience neither highs nor lows.

What happens when a schizoid gets angry?

In addition to having a flat affect, people with schizoid personality disorder may have an especially hard time expressing anger. Even when directly provoked, someone with schizoid personality disorder might react very coolly, belying what they may be feeling underneath.

Can schizoid personality disorder be cured?

While there is no cure for schizoid personality disorder, there are treatment options to help people manage their struggles.

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How do people with schizoid personality disorder react to anger?

In addition to having a flat affect, people with schizoid personality disorder may have an especially hard time expressing anger. Even when directly provoked, someone with schizoid personality disorder might react very coolly, belying what they may be feeling underneath.

Do schizoid personality disorder symptoms get worse with age?

As with all personality disorders, schizoid personality disorder symptoms will often lessen in severity as people age. By the time people have reached their 40s or 50s, some of the most extreme symptoms will have subsided.

Is addiction seen as a complication of schizoid personality disorder?

It is not seen as a specific complication of the disorder. People with schizoid personality disorder seem to be at greater risk of developing schizotypal personality disorder or schizophrenia, as well as anxiety or depression, but addiction is not specifically listed as a complication.

What is the perfect job for a person with schizoid personality disorder?

The perfect job for a person with schizoid personality disorder would be lighthouse keeper. Schizoid personality disorder is sometimes expressed in non-expression. In addition to having a flat affect, people with schizoid personality disorder may have an especially hard time expressing anger.