
Do genets smell?

Do genets smell?

Common genets have glands called sebaceous glands in their foreleg, thigh, neck, and cheek regions (Larivière et al., 2001). These glands allow the genets to mark their scent, claiming their own home territory.

How much does a spotted genet cost?

Price. The price range for small, rusty, and large spotted genets are in the $900–$1400 range, and one must also consider shipping costs if buying from a non-local breeder. Older animals may be less money but may have permanent ‘non-pet’ behavior. Try to obtain your genet from a reputable breeder.

What can I feed a genet?

Diet. The Small-Spotted Genet has a diet which consists mainly of small mammals and insects. Bats, birds, reptiles, amphibians, millipedes, centipedes and scorpions have been recorded as their food source.

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Can genets swim?

Despite their name, they are not good swimmers and they are believed to be solitary. Aquatic Genets can be found in the rainforests in central Africa.

How many babies do genets have?

The genet favors a solitary existence. A female may have up to two litters a year with two to four young in each. Kittens are born in a burrow; their eyes and ears are shut at birth and open after about ten days. They receive their first solid food at about six weeks, but they continue to nurse for a few weeks longer.

Are Genets endangered?

Least Concern (Population stable)
Common genet/Conservation status

How do you pronounce Genets?


  1. genet 2 [ jen-it ] SHOW IPA. / ˈdʒɛn ɪt / PHONETIC RESPELLING.
  2. Genet. [ zhuh-ney; French zhuh-ne ] SHOW IPA. / ʒəˈneɪ; French ʒəˈnɛ / PHONETIC RESPELLING.
  3. Genêt. [ zhuh-ney; French zhuh-ne ] SHOW IPA. / ʒəˈneɪ; French ʒəˈnɛ / PHONETIC RESPELLING.
  4. genet 1 genette (dʒɪˈnɛt)
  5. genet 2 / (ˈdʒɛnɪt) /
  6. Genet. / (French ʒənɛ) /

What do genets live in?

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Where do genets live? They are dispersed throughout Africa and are found across a variety of habitats that have dense vegetation — including woodlands, savannas, forests, and sometimes farmland or near villages — but avoid open habitats.

Are genets endangered?

What kind of pets do gengenets do best with?

Genets do best with no other pets in a house. If you want the best chance of your genet bonding to you owners advise that there be no other pets in the house for your genet to bond with.

Can you own a genet as a pet?

Some people keep them as pets, but they are wild animals. These creatures are not cuddly, they have sharp teeth and claws, and they have specific health requirements. In most places it is illegal to own one as a pet without the proper permits. Zoos across the world keep different species of Genets in their collections.

Do genet cats get along with dogs?

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As previously mentioned, genets are not cuddly pets. They are nocturnal and don’t do well in groups of genets but usually will get along with dogs and cats if they have grown up with them. Smaller pets, like hamsters, will quickly become food to a genet.

What are the threats of the Genet?

Across species, primary threats include habitat destruction and hunting. Humans have not domesticated Genets, but people in some areas have kept them as pets. Generally, these animals do not make good pets. Some people keep them as pets, but they are wild animals.