Do CIA analysts have covers?

Do CIA analysts have covers?

The vast majority of the agency’s overseas officers are under what is known as “official cover,” which means they are posing as employees of another government agency. Such covers tend to provide a plausible reason to work long periods overseas and come in contact with foreign nationals the agency wants to recruit.

Do CIA agents have to keep their job a secret?

7. No one can know that you work for the CIA. Along with that, there are other reasons why you would be required or are otherwise able to divulge your affiliation with the CIA. Not everyone at the Agency is under cover (covert, as I was); some are overt, and can and do list it on applications, resumes, etc.

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What does a CIA case officer do?

Typically, when people think of the CIA, they are referring to the “Case Officers” of the Clandestine Service. These officers are primarily tasked with the identification & recruitment of foreign sources of information.

What is intelligence cover?

In espionage, an official cover operative is one who assumes a position in an organization with diplomatic ties to the government for which the operative works such as an embassy or consulate. In other words, official cover operatives are agents officially recognized by their country.

Can you put the CIA on your resume?

Although the CIA is a federal agency, you should not submit a federal-style resume. All resumes submitted to the CIA go directly to recruiters for the Directorate to which you applied. Due to the volume of resumes the CIA receives, there is no time for hiring managers to review lengthy federal-style resumes.

What is the difference between a CIA agent and a CIA officer?

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In contrast to CIA officers, a CIA field agent is a native of the country about which the case officer wants intelligence. A field agent may know only that he has an American friend who works at the U.S. embassy, and who asks about his life and work.

How many people work for the CIA under cover?

“It doesn’t matter what her status was. He gave up a piece of the puzzle, and he had no right to do it.” As many as one-third of the CIA’s approximately 20,000 employees are under cover or have worked in that capacity at some point in their careers, according to former CIA officials.

What does the CIA look for in applicants?

Top applicant attributes that the CIA is looking for include communication skills, teamwork, and leadership. Just like many organizations, the CIA recognizes that having these characteristics are what tend to make its employees most successful.

Can a CIA agent work as a diplomat?

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The vast majority of the agency’s overseas officers are under what is known as “official cover,” which means they are posing as employees of another government agency. The State Department allows hundreds of its positions in embassies around the world to be occupied by CIA officers representing themselves as diplomats.

Who is the woman who worked for the CIA?

J.C. Carleson didn’t just daydream. Unsatisfied with her work in the corporate world, Carleson saw an ad for the CIA in the classified section of the good old-fashioned newspaper. “I thought, ‘Okay, this might be a joke, but I can send my resume,’” she explains.