
Do billionaires drive their own cars?

Do billionaires drive their own cars?

Billionaires pick their daily cars very intentionally, and it’s almost never because of speed, luxury, or appearance. Normally they pick cars for just one reason, like exceptional range or even how it feels to fit in the back seat (where many spend most of their driving time.

What kind of cars do the rich drive?

It was found that apart from catering status symbols, most of the wealthy people prefer practical SUVs, something like a 2021 BMW X5or a pick-up truck over high-performance sports cars. Driving a Ford F-150 pick-up wagon is more preferable to the Audi R8 Coupe or a Lamborghini Huracan.

Do wealthy people drive Mercedes?

Also, it’s sadly not surprising that 8\% of people who make less than $100,000 own a luxury model car. Someone making $250,000 a year could easily afford a nice Mercedes, but only 39\% of them choose to drive that type of car.

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Do millionaires drive themselves around NYC?

But millionaires most certainly drive themselves around. There are exceptions, most of which are based on location. In NY City, you might have a car service. This would be based on convenience. If you happen to have to travel for work, some of the areas might not be too friendly.

What kind of car do wealthy people drive?

If you answered any of those models, you’re only partially right. That’s because, according to a study done by researchers at Experian Automotive (and published on Forbes), 61\% of wealthy people actually drive Hondas and Toyotas and Fords, just like all the rest of us. What amount of income do they consider to be “wealthy”?

Do you need to be a millionaire to drive a luxury car?

And while you don’t need to be a millionaire, or a billionaire, to drive a fancy luxury car, it can pay more, in the long run, to be frugal and sensible. Just ask Jeff Bezos, he drives a Honda Accord.

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What is the best car for a millionaire down the street?

That gives a whole new meaning to the idea of “the millionaire down the street,” doesn’t it? The top 10 cars for $250,000-plus households include the Mercedes E-class, the Lexus RX 350 and the BMW 5 series and 3 series. Following those top four were three Hondas, a Toyota, an Acura and a Volkswagen. Ready to start saving?