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Did Thanos attack because Odin died?

Did Thanos attack because Odin died?

The Inverse Analysis — Looking past the fourth wall, Thanos attacked when he did not because the Ancient One, Odin and Ego were dead. The reason is much more simple than that: it’s because the storyline suited it.

Why did Thanos attack after Odin died?

Even after Odin’s death, Thanos knew not to underestimate Asgard, that is why he went for the Power Stone first. Then when he had the Space Stone, nothing could stop him, he could be anywhere he wanted to be, he could destroy whatever he wanted to destroy. At that point, it was certain he would claim victory.

Did Thanos meet Odin?

Odin was one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he was way past his prime when Thanos arrived. Regardless of Thanos’s caution when concealing his steps, Odin always had too many helpful tools to be out of the loop.

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What happened to the Infinity Gauntlet after Thanos was defeated?

After Thanos was eventually defeated, the Tribunal took away the combined powers of the Infinity Stones, rendering the Infinity Gauntlet useless. Later in the Infinity War comic run, The Tribunal again refused to intervene, this time in Magus’s destruction of the universe, and delegated his power to the entity Eternity.

What did Thanos do to Eitri in Infinity War?

Of course, it’s not like Eitri got away unscathed, as Thanos took the dwarf’s hands in hopes he’d never forge a weapon as powerful as the gauntlet. And from there, Thanos set out to round up the stones, all while looking incredibly sharp. When Thanos first arrives in Avengers: Infinity War, the Mad Titan already has the Power Stone ready to go.

How did Thanos get the first Infinity Stone?

The Guardians leave the Orb to be protected by the Nova Corps on Xander, but it’s the first Infinity Stone that Thanos collects. When Thor is found by the Guardians, he mentions to them that Thanos already possess the Power Stone after destroying Xander.

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What did Thanos do in the Avengers?

Thanos was also indirectly responsible for the creation of Ultron as his supplying of the Mind Stone to Loki was what gave Ultron free will to rebel against humanity in the first place. He later obtained all six Infinity stones, fought with the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, and successfully wiped out half the life in the universe.