
Did Pepper Potts cheat?

Did Pepper Potts cheat?

Quite possibly the best love interest in the entire catalog of MCU films, Pepper Potts was not as good of a girlfriend in the comic books. Happy and Pepper’s marriage ended with the tragic revelation that Pepper had been cheating on Happy with an old high school boyfriend.

Who is the most loyal superhero?

Black Panther T’Challa is the most dateable Marvel superhero. Not only does he possess the same loyalty, commitment, care and empathy that’s found in many of our other heroes, he also has a fun side that many other Marvel men seem to be missing.

What happens to pepper after Tony dies?

In Iron Man 3, Pepper falls down and is presumed to have died. Later on, she resurfaces very much alive and saves Tony by hitting Aldrich Killian.

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Do DC superheroes cheat on each other?

Several DC superheroes have had very intimate romantic relationships that played themselves out on the comic book pages for fans to read. While many of these relationships are bright and full of hope for the future, some end with one hero cheating on the other.

How many people cheat on their partners?

Statistics are sparse in terms of how many people cheat on their partners. One study says that up to 40\% of couples experience cheating. But the data on infidelity is notoriously unreliable (hello, cheaters lie!), so it is difficult to be certain.

Why do cheaters shop around?

The cheater wants a change. Block says some experts theorize that from an evolutionary perspective, men are driven to sow their seed, so to speak. “In my experience, certain people—most of them men—are predisposed to need variety,” says Block. Even if they’re having scads of sex with their partner, they continue to shop around.

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Why are DC superheroes held to high standards?

Superheroes in DC are held to high standards due to their hero status. These heroes got caught cheating and paid the price for it. Superheroes are human just like the rest of us.