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Did Justin Bieber sing Spanish in Despacito?

Did Justin Bieber sing Spanish in Despacito?

Bieber had heard the song in a club and wanted to sing a version himself. “We had an English version for the song so that’s what I thought he was going to do,” Fonsi said. But 24 hours later, Fonsi was shocked to hear the Biebs voice crooning in Spanish.

Is Justin Bieber fluent in Spanish?

In the third episode of his YouTube docuseries “Justin Bieber: Seasons,” which premiered on Monday, the video showed footage of the 25-year-old practicing his Spanish pronunciation in the recording studio. However, he admitted that he’s far from fluent. “I don’t speak Spanish.

Does JB know Spanish?

The question many fans are wondering, does he speak Spanish? We did some solid research on it and we find several different sources that might indicate that he does in fact not only sing in Spanish, but that he also speaks a bit of Spanish.

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Can Justin Bieber speak French fluently?

Justin Bieber is thought to be able to speak French fluently – which is hardly surprising, given that he is Canadian and the second language in Canada is French! Here is a compilation of him singing and speaking in French.

Why did Justin Bieber do Despacito?

“About four months in, ‘Despacito’ was already tearing up the charts in Latin America and Europe,” Fonsi said, “and I got a call from Justin Bieber’s camp saying that he heard the song at a nightclub and that he wanted to do the remix. Because Bieber heard the song in a club. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.

Who has sung Despacito?

Luis Fonsi

How many languages does Justin know?

Justin Bieber/Languages
This made us wonder, how many languages does Justin Bieber speak or even sing? Our research shows that he speaks fluently English and some French. As described in the link above he defiantly has some Spanish skills as well, but not on the same level as he does in both English and French.

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Selena Gomez/Languages

Can Justin Bieber really sing?

Justin Bieber has always been an R&B singer at heart; his voice is far better at drawing you in than belting outwards. He’s rarely been a flashy singer, but ‘Come Around Me’ provides the first of a few stunning vocal moments — when he ascends into his falsetto range, you wish he’d stay there forever.