Did Goku surpass Lord Beerus?

Did Goku surpass Lord Beerus?

Even in a meta sense, Goku surpassing Beerus is all but guaranteed. Goku’s journey is one of encountering and overcoming obstacles. It was demonstrated with Demon King Piccolo, then repeated with Frieza, and eventually brought home with Kid Buu. Beerus is yet another obstacle for Goku to overcome.

Is Goku stronger than Beerus mastered ultra instinct?

Beerus is one of the strongest Gods of Destruction in all of the universes and there is no evidence to suggest that he might not be stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku and Jiren. With his Destructor Energy, he is almost unbeatable.

Can Goku surpass ultra instinct?

Yes, It is likely that Goku will eventually master Ultra Instinct just like he has with every other form he’s gotten. Goku surpassed the Gods of Destruction by far when he completed Ultra Instinct. Goku is now at the point between the Gods of Destruction and the Angels in terms of power.

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How strong is Goku after Ultra Instinct?

At his Ultra Instinct (not the complete one), even Beerus states that he is probably stronger than him and is implied in many cases during the final moments of the show anyways. After completing the form, Goku is far beyond g.o.d. level.

Is Beerus stronger than Goku?

1 Goku mastered Ultra Instinct, something Beerus can’t fully use, it seems he is stronger than Beerus. Vegeta can’t user Ultra Instinct at all, he seems weaker. Then again we can’t assure until they fight

Does Beerus ever use Ultra Instinct?

In the anime, Whis mentioned that Beerus hasn’t yet mastered Ultra Instinct and that’s true but in the manga, Beerus used Ultra Instinct for a very short time while fighting against a couple of Gods of Destruction. He hasn’t yet grasped it perfectly, though.

What is Goku’s ultimate form in Dragon Ball?

Goku is the poster boy of the Dragon Ball Universe, so it’s not a surprise that he has the Ultra Instinct, which is touted to be Goku’s ultimate form, at the moment. It would be tough for him to eclipse this achievement.

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