
Did Gandalf plan to use the eagles?

Did Gandalf plan to use the eagles?

After passing the Misty Mountains, Gandalf planned to make contact with the eagles in order to recruit them to carry Frodo and maybe a few others to Mordor, maybe all the way to Mount Doom itself. Using the eagles was Gandalf’s plan, because he was an idiot.

Could the eagles have flown the ring to Mordor?

“The hobbits had a special resistance to the Ring, but the eagles did not.” I’m aware of nothing in the text which would suggest that an eagle could not resist the Ring long enough to make the flight into Mordor. Eagles are said to be sturdy creatures.

Why didn’t Gandalf use the eagles to destroy the ring?

When Gandalf asked Gwaihir to help rescue Sam and Frodo from Mount Doom, it was with a promise to never ask him for anything else ever again. The eagles can’t carry the Fellowship to Mordor because Gandalf can’t simply summon a squadron of birds to divebomb Mount Doom.

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Why didn’t Gandalf say anything about the ring?

Gandalf didn’t know the ring was still around. He studied Bilbo’s ring to try and learn its purpose for 14 years or so in the book and some time in the movie as well. It just took time to determine what it was. Essentially, it took Gandalf a while to figure out what it was.

Why didn’t the Eagles fly the Ring?

However, the reason the Ringbearer did not fly to Mordor by Eagle is fairly simple: the purpose of the Fellowship of the Ring and the linchpin of the entire strategy decided on in Rivendell was to destroy the Ring in a mission of secrecy. Eagles are, clearly, far more noticeable than Hobbits or other travelers on foot.

Why are the Eagles so important in Lord of the Rings?

The Eagles were birds that served as messengers of Manwë. Among those were the Great Eagles, immense birds who were sentient, capable of speech, and often helped Men, Elves and Wizards in their quests to defeat evil. They were “devised” by Manwë Súlimo, King of the Valar, and were often called the Eagles of Manwë.

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Why didn’t the eagles fly the Ring?

Who controls the Eagles in LOTR?

Eagle (Middle-earth)

Created date First Age
Home world Middle-earth
Base of operations Encircling Mountains, Misty Mountains
Leader Thorondor, Gwaihir

Why did Bilbo have the Ring?

Originally Answered: Why did Bilbo Baggins lie Gandalf that he lost the ring in the war? In the book, Bilbo lies about how he got the Ring. He felt guilty for ‘stealing’ it from Gollum, and so he made up a story about Gollum giving it to him as a present when he won the riddle game.

Did Gandalf send an eagle for Gollum?

The only true answer is it took all three (with a timely diversion by the Men of the West.) the third eagle was supposed to rescue Gollum. Gandalf had probably hoped to be able to rescue him, even if he might not survive long.

How does Gandalf come up with a plan to destroy the ring?

Gandalf needs to escape and he also now knows he has to come up with a plan for destroying the ring by himself. When he thinks to get the eagles to help him escape it sparks the ideas that he could also have them help get the ring to Mordor. After all, he’s not an idiot.

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Why didn’t Gandalf lead them to the Eagles?

Gandalf, like Tolkien, is a language scholar and knows this; moreover, nobody else in the Fellowship could lead them to the eagles, so this part of the story doesn’t stack up–except, perhaps, as a ‘Freudian’ slip. That line. It was like, in that earlier post about how Pulp Fiction was about the history of Rock.

Did Gandalf plan to take Frodo through the Misty Mountains?

As posted by VulcanDeathGrip, the first leg of the Fellowship’s journey saw Gandalf take the group through the Misty Mountains – incidentally the area the Great Eagles call their home. Gandalf may have planned to take Frodo and the others not through the mountains, but to the eagles’ nest, where they could make the rest of the journey by air.

Where did Gandalf go when he escaped from Rivendell?

When he escapes on the eagle he doesn’t go directly to Rivendell to meet the hobbits, he first goes to meet the eagles where the eagles live which we know from The Hobbit is in the northern parts of the Misty Mountains, on the eastern slopes. Roughly here.