Did Deathstroke love Terra?

Did Deathstroke love Terra?

At its core, “The Judas Contract” is a story about Deathstroke manipulating a young girl into joining, spying on and betraying the Teen Titans. Terra is roughly around fiteen years old, and it’s strongly implied throughout the story that she has a romantic relationship with Slade Wilson.

Why did Deathstroke sleep with Terra?

Changeling convinces himself that Terra was merely brainwashed by Deathstroke. Despite Changeling’s protests, Terra uses her powers to bring the H.I.V.E. The revelation that Terra was not just willingly working with Deathstroke, but sleeping with him, remains one of the darkest plot turns in a mainline DC comic.

What is the Teen Titans’ feud with Deathstroke?

The Teen Titans have been in a standing feud with Deathstroke since his first moments on the page. As a major villain, he has infiltrated their team with his own people including his protégé, Terra, and his daughter, Rose. To further drive the divide, and bring his son back to life, he founded the Titans East.

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Who is Deathstroke’s Titans East team?

Deathstroke’s Titans East team is filled with an interesting mix of characters. Some are more dangerous than others. The Teen Titans have been in a standing feud with Deathstroke since his first moments on the page. As a major villain, he has infiltrated their team with his own people including his protégé, Terra, and his daughter, Rose.

Does Robin beat Deathstroke in Teen Titans?

As the leader of the Teen Titans, Robin deserves some credit for the team’s victories over Deathstroke. The villain keeps coming after the team but they usually find a way to win. After numerous battles with the mercenary, you’d think that Robin has unquestionably defeated Wilson.

Why did the Titans use Jericho against Deathstroke in Titans?

A reference is made to the Titans having previously used one of Deathstroke’s children against him. This is clearly a reference to Joseph Wilson, a.k.a. Jericho, who has been a member of the Titans in the comics and who was briefly seen in the previous episode.

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