
Did Darth Vader want to overthrow the Emperor?

Did Darth Vader want to overthrow the Emperor?

Once Anakin had become so severely diminished by Obi Wan on Mustafar, he was practically defenseless against the Emperor’s full power. So no, Darth Vader never had any serious intention of killing the Emperor. That is until Anakin’s deeply buried love for his son, Luke overcame his intimidation by the Emperor.

Why didn’t Vader Use the Force on Palpatine?

Darth Vader used a type of Force Lightning way stronger than Palpatine’s. The only reason he didn’t use it more was that it would’ve killed him. Palpatine, as seen in The Rise of Skywalker, can channel Force Lightning powerful enough to short-circuit a legion of starships.

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Is Sidious more powerful than Vader?

Sidious mastered MUCH more force powers than Vader ever did, like force lightning, force wormhole, spirit transfer, etc. Maybe pre-suit Vader could have given Sidious a challenge, but suit Vader could never have.

Why was Darth Vader so loyal to the Emperor?

He sacrificed himself to save his son, which redeemed him and allowed him to become a light side Force ghost at the end of the movie. That is why Vader stayed loyal, because to betray him was suicide and until his moment of redemption he had no reason to kill himself taking on the emperor.

Could Darth Vader have killed the Emperor?

Star Wars Legends, specifically the novel Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, explained that even though Vader was capable of killing the Emperor, he wasn’t in good psychological condition to do so.

Why did Vader throw the emperor down the reactor shaft?

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After all he did, Vader redeemed himself at the end of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi by throwing the Emperor down a reactor shaft in order to save his son, who was being tortured by Palpatine with Force lightning. This allowed his spirit to be preserved in the Force and return as a Force ghost at the very end of the film.

Why does Darth Vader want to overthrow Palpatine?

Vader wants to reunite with Luke, turn him to the Dark Side, and join together with him to overthrow Palpatine and establish a Skywalker Dynasty. On the other hand, Vader knows that Palpatine will likely take a personal interest in Luke, and that once he does, Vader’s plans will be hopelessly outmatched in comparison.

Why doesn’t variablevader turn Luke against the Emperor?

Vader can’t stand against the Emperor on his own, at least not without also dying, as we see at the end of RotJ. To overthrow the Emperor and survive the event, he needs Luke. He’s got no option to go along with the Emperor’s plans and hope he can get Luke to turn on the Emperor if Palapatine succeeds in turning Luke.