
Did Darth Plagueis actually exist?

Did Darth Plagueis actually exist?

Darth Plagueis is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. A Sith lord with the ability to prevent death and create life, Plagueis is the mentor of Palpatine (Darth Sidious).

Did Sidious or plagueis create Anakin?

Seeing in Old Canon, Anakin was born as a indirect result of Plagueis experiments with the midichlorians and his attempt to create a lifeform entirely from the Force. So it was Plagueis that created Anakin and not Sidious.

How did plagueis find Palpatine?

According to the novel Darth Plagueis, young Palpatine first discovered the temptation of the Dark Side of the Force while collecting Sith artifacts. As a young man he met Plagueis, a Muun who was also known as Hego Damask, an interstellar businessman. As a result, Plagueis gave him the name of Darth Sidious.

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Who is Darth Plagueis in Star Wars?

Darth Plagueis (pronounced /pʰlɛɪɡəs/) was a male Dark Lord of the Sith and the master of Darth Sidious.

Did Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious cause Anakin Skywalker’s birth?

So, according to this, Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious caused Anakin’s birth indirectly. From the following quote (the moment when Palpatine learns about Anakin for the first time) from the “Darth Plagueis” novel, it looks highly unlikely that Palpatine had anything to do with it:

Did Emperor Palpatine learn death from Darth Plagueis?

However, as he eluded to Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, he learned mastery over life and death from Darth Plagueis before killing him. RELATED: How Can Emperor Palpatine Be Back In Star Wars 9?

How do you pronounce Darth Plagueis?

Darth Plagueis ( pronounced /pʰlɛɪɡəs/) was a male Dark Lord of the Sith and the master of Darth Sidious. He acquired considerable knowledge of the Force, but was ultimately betrayed and murdered by his own apprentice, in accordance with the Rule of Two.