
Did Anakin ever have the high ground?

Did Anakin ever have the high ground?

OBI-WAN: It’s over, Anakin. I have the high ground. ANAKIN tumbles down the embankment and rolls to a stop near the edge of the lava. And that’s where Obi-Wan, unable to kill his friend, leaves Anakin to die (or rather get picked up by Palpatine to become Darth Vader).

Could Obi-Wan beat Anakin without the high ground?

Originally Answered: Could Obi-Wan Kenobi have defeated Anakin without the fabled high ground? Yes, and no. Anakin’s undoing was believing that turning himself over to the dark side would make him more powerful. It didn’t, it only gave him power faster.

What if Anakin had the high ground Quora?

Originally Answered: What would happen if Anakin had the highground? He’d win.

Why is high ground an advantage?

Fighting from an elevated position is said to be easier for a number of tactical reasons. Holding the high ground offers an elevated vantage point with a wide field of view, enabling surveillance of the surrounding landscape, in contrast to valleys which offer a limited field of view.

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What if Anakin never fell to the dark side?

Anakin would have likely been killed by the clone troopers, along with the other Jedi. Anakin would go on a mission to overthrow the Emperor. An assassination mission would be likely. Now if the Emperor hadn’t found an apprentice by then, Anakin would likely end up in a throne room with the Emperor.

Is high ground actually good?

Advantages. Highground allows you a better vantage point on your opponent. Having it allows you to fire on them at a better angle, including over cover. High ground also makes it easier to observe your opponent’s movements.

Did Obi Wan have the high ground?

Specific comment: “Obi-Wan doesn’t need to be on the high ground, the high ground just needs to exist within the battle; Obi-Wan knows that when he has the low ground, he really has the high ground, from a certain point of view; see Diagram A.