
Could there be a universe inside a black hole?

Could there be a universe inside a black hole?

The birth of our universe may have come from a black hole. Most experts agree that the universe started as an infinitely hot and dense point called a singularity. It is, in fact, and some physicists say they could be one and the same: The singularity in every black hole might give birth to a baby universe.

Is there a black hole bigger than a supermassive black hole?

Well, there could be something even bigger than ultramassive: stupendously large black holes, according to the latest research. Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are much, much larger, on the order of millions to billions of solar masses.

Could Earth and the entire universe be inside a black hole?

A physicist claimed that Earth and the entire universe could already be inside a black hole. According to the physicist, this theory is related to the idea that the Big Bang was actually a black hole.

What would happen if you survived a trip into a black hole?

Essentially, a black hole could seem bigger on the “inside” than how it looked to someone outside. If anyone survived a trip into a black hole and emerged in another universe, “it would be a one-way trip,” Poplawski noted. The event horizon of a black hole is?boundary at which nothing inside can escape.

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How do stars end up collapsing into black holes?

As in the standard version of general relativity, very massive stars end up collapsing into black holes: regions of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. Here is how torsion would play out in the beginning moments of our universe.

Is the singularity in a black hole the same as the universe?

It is, in fact, and some physicists say they could be one and the same: The singularity in every black hole might give birth to a baby universe. There’s no reason to think our universe is any different. Black holes form when a very massive star dies and its core collapses into a space so small that not even light can escape it.