Could the US win ww2 alone?

Could the US win ww2 alone?

The United States staged two simultaneous bombing campaigns against Germany and Japan while conducting surface and submarine campaigns against all of the Axis powers. America did not win World War II alone. But without the United States, the war against Axis fascism would have been lost.

Could the Germans win the war?

Victory for the Allies was never guaranteed, and historians agree there were countless ways Germany could have won the war. Defeat never came down to one battle or one campaign. Germany’s defeat came about from a number of much larger factors.

What if Germany attacked America?

Invading North America would have simply brought the U.S. immediately into the war, with results that would have been more disastrous than they were. The Germans would have faced an armed force at least 10 times the size of their invasion force, who were also motivated to ensure that they (the Germans) would lose.

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What would happen if Germany won World War II?

History would be re-written. Nationalism and blind loyalty would be the only acceptable political stance. If Germany won World War II and became a world superpower, no doubt they’d eventually use cameras, microphones and other spy materials to make sure the citizens were always behaving. Think: George Orwell’s 1984. 10.

Did Germany and Japan have invasion plans for the US?

So invasion, while possible, is much more difficult. If the United States were defeated, it would probably have to be via nuclear attack (the possibility of a nuclear Germany to follow). With that being said, Germany and Japan did have plans for the United States.

Who would win in a war between China and Russia?

Likely winner: The U.S. Navy is still the undisputed champ across the world but it would take heavy losses if it fought China or Russia at home. A full-scale invasion might even fail if planners aren’t careful.

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Who would win in a war between the Raptor and F-22?

Also known as the PAK FA, it’s less stealthy than the Raptor but more maneuverable. The F-22 would likely get a jump on the Russians in a war, but would be in serious trouble if it was spotted first. Likely winner: As long as the other planes are still more hypothetical than real, the F-22 remains the clear victor.