
Can you use a symbol in a domain name?

Can you use a symbol in a domain name?

Domain names can only use letters, numbers, the fada character (acute accent) and hyphens (“-“). Spaces and other symbols are not permitted for use. Names cannot begin or end with a hyphen and are not case sensitive.

Can you trademark a domain name?

A mark comprised of a domain name may be registered as a trademark or service mark in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. However, just like any other mark, the domain name is registrable only if it functions to identify the particular source of goods or services offered.

What characters are allowed in a domain?

A domain name can be up to 63 characters (letters, numbers or combination) long plus the 4 characters used to identify the domain extension (.com, . net, . org). The only symbol character domain names can include is a hyphen (-) although the domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen nor have consecutive hyphens.

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Can websites have symbols?

Symbols, Spaces or Underscores Numbers and hyphens are the only symbols allowed in your domain name. Spaces and underscores are not allowed, along with the symbols listed below.

Can domain names have hyphens?

The hyphen, commonly known as a dash (though this is typographically not correct), is the only spacing character allowed in a domain name. That makes it the only option for when you want to register a domain name with two words in it and you don’t want to—or can’t—mash them together with no space between them.

How much does it cost to trademark a domain name?

The typical filing fee for a domain name mark is $325 per class (2018 figure) if you file electronically using the PTO’s Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS ). It can cost more, however, if you will be offering a number of different services on your website.

What is the only character allowed in domain name?

The only symbol allowable in a domain name is the hyphen, which can appear anywhere in the domain name other than as the first or last character. Beyond this, the only acceptable characters are the letters A to Z and the digits 0 to 9.

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Can domain names have spaces?

Since spaces cannot be used in a domain name, some people buy domain names with embedded hyphens instead. That is, since they can’t have a domain like ” multiple words in this domain as an “, they use ” ” instead.

What are the symbols allowed in my domain name?

Numbers and hyphens are the only symbols allowed in your domain name. Spaces and underscores are not allowed, along with the symbols listed below. ! @ # $ \% ^ & * () ; :,? / = + < >

Can a domain name have a hyphen in it?

You can register a domain name with a hyphen in it, for example, However, a domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen. The hyphen needs to be in the middle of the domain name. And you cannot have two consecutive hyphens in the middle of the domain name. Can Domain Names Have Symbols? No, domain names cannot have any symbols.

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Is it possible to use special characters in a domain name?

Well it’s possible to use special characters or symbols into a domain name, there are some stuff that your might know before using. There are some symbols like æ, å, ø, ä or ö which are known as “Punycode” an Internet standard.

Can I register a domain name that uses capital letters?

You cannot register a domain that uses capital letters because of this, they are considered the same characters. Domain names are only allowed to be 63 characters in length. The 63 characters does not include what is referred to as the ‘protocol identifier’ (https://) or the domain extension (such as .com or .org).