
Can you survive a plane crash by jumping in the water?

Can you survive a plane crash by jumping in the water?

Originally Answered: Would a person survive if they jump off a plane into the sea? The Short answer is no, the long answer is maybe. Basically it comes down to this, water wants to stay together.

How long can you survive at sea?

How many days can you survive at sea? Without food and drinking water, a person stranded at sea will most likely not be able to survive for more than three days.

What are the chances of surviving falling out of a plane?

At heights as little as about 80 feet, only about 1 in 10 people survive and it pretty much all goes to hell from there.

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What would happen if a plane crashed in the ocean?

Kind of like hitting hard ground except for the extreme drag once any part of the plane goes under water which would tear it apart faster. I’ve seen videos of fire burning on top of water because of a lot of oil in the water so that is also possible in the event of a plane crash in the ocean.

What are the chances of surviving a plane crash in water?

I would venture to guess that chances of surviving a plane crash in the ocean are just about as low as a plane crash on land. The distance from the shore would also matter but at a certain speed it wouldn’t matter if the plane hit concrete or water.

Do you have a fear of flying over water?

I’ve flown a lot, and have a slight fear of flying over water because there’s a lack of cities that could serve as an emergency landing location. But anyways, depending on how fast the plane is moving, it’s pretty likely that the plane would break apart upon hitting the water.

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Can you survive jumping out of an airplane into water without a parachute?

All in all, it’s fair to say that your chances of survival are extremely slim if you jump out of an airplane into a body of water without a parachute.