
Can you start a change org petition anonymously?

Can you start a change org petition anonymously?

Unlike most political action committees, which often operate clandestinely, most people list their names, though readers can be anonymous and use John and Jane Doe to start petitions. The petition idea fit perfectly into what the Internet can do, since an individual can begin a petition online and circulate it online.

Is change org a legal petition? is an American petition website operated by San Francisco-based, which has over 400 million users and offers the public the ability to promote the petitions they care about to potential signers. …

Is it legal to start a petition?

There are no legal requirements for public purpose and internet petitions. They include a clear statement of purpose, any supporting facts, and request signatures. Political petitions, which do have legal requirements, provide excellent examples of a typical petition format.

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Is a nonprofit?, which provides petition and campaign tools for social change, is now under the ownership of the nonprofit Foundation. had been founded in 2007 as a Public Benefit Corporation — a for-profit entity that includes specific public benefits as part of its charter.

Who is owned by?

Ben Rattray
By Ben Rattray, Founder of, Nick Allardice, incoming CEO of, and Preethi Herman, Executive Director of the Foundation.

Can I be sued for starting a petition?

Can I be sued if I start a petition against a rezoning for a certain development? Yes, you could be sued, but it seems very unlikely. It would be quite improbable that someone could prevail against you in a lower court, and most certainly we think you would win any appeal.

Is a petition soliciting?

As verbs the difference between petition and solicit is that petition is to make a request, commonly in written form while solicit is to persistently endeavor to obtain an object, or bring about an event.

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Who is change org owned by?

What happens if you sign a petition on ‘Change’ Org?

Signing a petition on ‘’ will not bind the officials to take an action with regard to the issue, it merely brings it to their notice, if that petition has been signed by many like the petition for “Free Basics”. ‘’ provides platform for people who want to bring about change in the administration.

What happens if you disagree with a petition’s content?

You might disagree strongly with a petition’s content, but change happens when people with different backgrounds and perspectives can participate in a constructive conversation. As long as it complies with these Community Guidelines, all content, no matter how contentious, is allowed on our platform.

How to start a petition to influence a local decision?

Learning how to start a petition to influence a local decision is much simpler than you might imagine. All you need to do is condense your wording so that you describe the major point. Start your petition writing with the words “We the undersigned.” Then complete the sentence with your main point in ideally five to ten words.

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Do environmental linked petitions bring any legal impact?

In some cases, it did bring some changes. I recall some positive gains in the cases linked to acid burn victim. Similarly environment linked petitions also had certain degree of success. However, the most important effect of the petitions is spread of awareness. It doesn’t have any legal impact. It’s a privately-run site.