Tips and tricks

Can you marry your complete opposite?

Can you marry your complete opposite?

The big secret to staying married to your complete opposite is: You must find ways for your differences to aid each others individual personal development. Get better at listening, practice the art of compromise, go outside your comfort zone. Be molded into a more balanced, beautiful person.

Is it better to marry your opposite?

This recent study examined married couples to find out if opposites fare well in marriage, or if picking a partner more like yourself is the better way to go. According to the study, couples who shared similar values were happier in their marriages.

Why you should marry your opposite?

Marrying your opposite allows exposure to a wide range of new ideas and hobbies, some of which might even end up your own. Our first disagreement while my husband and I were dating was about which sport was better: wrestling or basketball.

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How do you live opposite?

Here are 7 ways to help you make it work with your total opposite:

  1. Find Common Ground. An easy place to start!
  2. Take the Relationship in Strides.
  3. Challenge Each Other in a Healthy Way.
  4. Embrace Your Independence.
  5. Support Each Other.
  6. Respect their Boundaries.
  7. Prepare For Change.

How do you date opposite?

11 Tips For Dating Your Total Opposite

  1. Let Your Partner Be Your Teacher.
  2. Dive Into Their Hobbies On An Emotional Level.
  3. Compromise Like It’s Your Job.
  4. Learn To Argue Like Grown Ups.
  5. Set Up Boundaries.
  6. Schedule Time Apart.
  7. Find Something You Both Like.
  8. Make Some Decisions In Advance.

Do opposites fare well in marriage?

This recent study examined married couples to find out if opposites fare well in marriage, or if picking a partner more like yourself is the better way to go. The results? According to the study, couples who shared similar values were happier in their marriages.

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Can two opposite personalities make a marriage work?

But a successful marriage needs more than just attraction. Can two opposite personalities really make it work, or is it a recipe for disaster? After four years of marriage to my opposite, I am here to say it can work and that there are numerous benefits to marrying someone who’s 180 degrees different from you.

Is your opposite personality the Spice of your relationship?

It’s in the details of how we achieve those goals that our opposite personalities become the spice of our relationship. Marriage is always an adventure, but marrying your opposite can really be a wild ride. In our relationship, I’m the cautious one and my husband is the risk-taker.