Tips and tricks

Can you lose your job if your nudes get leaked?

Can you lose your job if your nudes get leaked?

Extremely unlikely. You can’t be fired for this reason, as, again, you’ve not done anything that merits being fired.

Can you sue someone for sending you inappropriate pictures?

At least 12 states have civil laws that pertain specifically to nonconsensual image sharing. But a victim probably could sue, in all states, for the intentional infliction of emotional distress, Goldberg said.

Why you should stop sexting?

Sometimes, they can be pressured – even blackmailed – into sending a sexual message. Regardless, adolescents who participate in sexting expose themselves to a variety of social, emotional, and legal risks. Trust is broken when a sexual image is forwarded without the creator’s consent.

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Should you keep your ex’s old photos?

If you’re just dating, nothing serious, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping an old photo any time you want to sit back and relish the good old days with your ex-boo. But if you’re in a serious, committed relationship, then let’s just say that your new partner determines whether or not you can or should keep gifts from your ex (es).

Why are pictures so important in a relationship?

Relationships are about learning and we all start our journey of companionship with the reality that the future will bring many more ‘frogs to kiss.’ Naturally, and especially today – in a day and age where cameras are attached to every cell phone, pictures are ever lingering reminders of our past.

Should you throw away photos of your ex when getting married?

If you don’t want to throw away photos of your ex, it would be nice to store them in a box in an attic that you can look at 20 years from now when it shouldn’t matter to you or your future husband. But at second thought, why would you and your spouse ever want to look at them? More on Madame Noire!

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Do men keep photos of their exes from their current partners?

20\% of men who are in relationships say they have hidden photos of their exes from their current partner. 17\% said they feel guilty about keeping photos. 12\% admit that they still have feelings for their ex, which may explain why they feel so guilty. 9\% of guys keep pictures in hidden files on their computer. Yikes, right?