
Can you have more than 1 Twitter account per email?

Can you have more than 1 Twitter account per email?

Yes! You can have more than one account on Twitter. An email address can only be associated with one Twitter account at a time.

Can I have more than one Twitter account with the same phone number?

Your Twitter account can only have one phone number attached to it. There is currently no option to have a Twitter account with two or more phone numbers attached.

Are you allowed to create multiple Twitter accounts?

You can create as many Twitter accounts as you want, but you can only connect up to five accounts. However, most people should find two accounts—one personal and one professional—to be sufficient. Each account needs to have a different username, but they can all be linked to the same phone number.

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Can you have several Twitter accounts?

A. The Twitter apps for Android and iOS allow you to be logged into multiple accounts on the same device. If you are using the Twitter app with your original account, you need to add the second account in the app’s settings in order to switch back and forth.

How do I create a 2nd Twitter account?

Open your Twitter app and either swipe right or tap on your account icon in the upper left corner. A side menu will open. Tap on the small down-facing arrow next to your name. Tap on “Add an existing account.” (You can also start a new account here, if you wish.)

How long does Twitter limit your account?

The duration of a restriction on a Twitter account differs depending on the violation committed. When you see the error message saying that your account is restricted or some features have been limited, it will show how long you will get full functionality back. But typically, it may take between 12 hours up to 7 days.

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How do I start a Twitter account?

How to create a Twitter account on the web. Go to and find the sign up box, or go directly to You will be guided through our sign up experience and prompted to enter information such as your name and email address.

How do I manage multiple Twitter accounts?

Add Multiple Twitter Accounts. Install Twitcher and visit Twitter. Sign in to your account. Once you’re signed in, click your profile picture at the top right. In the menu that opens, you will see an ‘Add Account’ option. Click it and you will be redirected to the Twitter sign in page.

How do you switch between Twitter accounts?

Tap on the gear icon to enter Settings and confirm that all of your Twitter accounts are available. You can also customize notifications per account here. You can now tap on the Tweet icon (the box with the feather) to open a new tweet compose window and tap on your profile icon to switch between accounts.

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Is it allowed to have more than one Twitter profile?

Yes! You can have more than one account on Twitter. You can sign up for an additional account here. Please note, each account must have a unique email address associated with it. An email address can only be associated with one Twitter account at a time.