
Can you have a bruise for years?

Can you have a bruise for years?

Bruises can last from days to months and vary from mild to severe. Bone bruises are among the most serious and painful. They usually heal in a couple of months, although larger bone bruises may take longer.

Should I be worried about a bruise on my foot?

Bruises are typically surface injuries that heal on their own without medical attention, and people can treat them safely at home. However, if you suffer a more significant trauma or injury and have bruising that does not heal and disappear after 2 weeks, then it’s time to get medical attention.

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Do deep bruises go away?

Most bruises disappear entirely after a couple of weeks. Still, some will take longer to heal based on the severity of the damage. Most bruises go through four stages of discoloration during the healing process. A red or purple bump usually appears immediately where the injury occurred.

Why does my bruise have a hard lump?

A flat, purple-colored bruise, such as a black eye, is called an ecchymosis. A swollen, painful, raised lump is called a hematoma. Hematomas form when clotted blood develops as a lump under your skin.

How long can a hematoma lump last?

Mild hematomas and contusions typically heal within about five days. A large hematoma may last weeks to months and as it heals it will change color and slowly shrink in size. Hematoma pain and swelling may be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications. Aspirin should not be used as it may increase bleeding.

Does a hematoma get hard?

A bruise is a type of hematoma. A hematoma may form in a muscle or in the tissues just under the skin. A hematoma that forms under the skin will feel like a bump or hard mass.

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What causes a bruise on the toe or foot?

Trauma is the main culprit for a toe or foot bruise. As discussed above, trauma can include a sprain or more severe injury such as a fracture. Sprain: A sprain is defined by the stretching or tearing of ligaments.

Can you walk with a bruise on your foot?

Walking with a foot or toe bruise, especially if it is due to a fracture, is not advised. If you experience foot or toe bruising, make an appointment with your physician in order to get proper advice about walking and movement. Walking prematurely may delay the proper healing of the affected foot or toe and cause increased pain.

How long does it take a bruised toe to heal?

Most bruised toes can heal on their own with proper care at home, especially if there is no fracture involved. It usually takes weeks for complete healing; however, pain and swelling can resolve within a few days [4,5]. If an object was dropped on the foot or toe, healing may take longer. Can you walk with a foot or toe bruise?

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How long does it take for a bruise to go away?

It generally takes about two weeks for a bruise to resolve completely. In some cases, your foot may feel as though it has a bruise. It may be tender or swollen, but there’ll be no discoloration.