
Can you combo into the 8 ball to win?

Can you combo into the 8 ball to win?

Combination shots are allowed; however, the 8-ball cannot be used as a first ball in the combination except when the table is open.

How do combos work in pool?

A shot type that comes up during matches often are combination shots. These shots involve hitting the cue ball at an object ball in order to hit and pocket another object ball. These shots come in handy when you feel like you’ve run out of options or if you need an easy way to get position on your next shot.

When can you sink the 8 ball?

Pocketing the 8 ball Once all of a player’s (or team’s) group of object balls are pocketed, the player attempts to sink the 8 ball. In order to win the game, the player first designates which pocket the 8 ball will be pocketed into and then successfully pockets the 8 ball into that pocket.

What happens if you sink the 8 ball in pool?

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Likewise, if you sink the 8 ball on the break, you don’t win. You either spot the 8 ball or re-rack. Traditionally, 8 ball is a “call shot” game. After the break, the table is open regardless of whether or not any balls have been pocketed.

Can you hit the 8 ball first in 8 ball pool?

APA rules say no, the 8 ball is “not neutral” at any time, and cannot be struck first. However, it is allowed to be used in a combination shot as long as you strike your category (stripe or solid) ball first, in other words, stripe, 8 ball, stripe to go into the pocket.

Is the eight-ball neutral in 8 ball?

The 8-ball is not neutral. A player is credited with all balls he legally pockets. When a player does not pocket one of his balls but pockets an opponent’s ball, he loses his turn. The opponent gets credit for the pocketed ball.

What is a kiss shot in pool?

A Kiss Back shot is where you intentionally double kiss the cue ball off of the object ball to achieve a certain goal. With the 8 ball frozen to the rail we will have a hard time banking it at the 9 ball that is hanging in the opposite corner pocket.

Can you sink the 8 ball?

The 8-Ball cannot be sunk in conjunction with the last of the Player’s suited balls, the 8-Ball shot must be taken by itself. All fouls apply to the 8-Ball attempt as well, and result in giving the opponent ball in hand – unless the 8-Ball is sunk, which then counts for a loss.

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Do you lose if you sink the 8 ball?

According to the APA, if the 8 ball is pocketed on the break, that player wins. However, if they also scratch, then it is an immediate loss. This is very straightforward and is a simple rule to follow. However, the league can also issue penalties for not breaking correctly, resulting in an illegal break.

What happens if you sink the opponent’s ball in pool?

Did you accidentally make one of your opponent’s balls in and you’re wondering what happens next? The short answer: As long as you hit your ball first and did not scratch, there is no foul. It is simply your opponent’s turn now.

What happens if the white ball goes in with the 8 ball?

If you are playing 8 ball pool by International rules, then it means that the player, who pocketed the balls, has lost. Because the rule says, if you pocket the white ball after pocketing the black (in 8 ball pool) you have lost.

Are You allowed to use the 8 ball to combo in pool?

No, you are never allowed to contact the 8 ball with the cue ball first unless it’s your last ball. Yes…you are allowed to use the 8 ball to combo in long as it isn’t the FIRST ball in the combo. In civilized pool society, you can use the 8 in a combination provided you strike a ball of your selected group (solids or stripes) first.

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Can you sink the 8 ball without scratching?

While you may have sunk the 8 ball without scratching, if you do it with any illegal or disallowed break, you may not be given the win. During league play, this can be devastating. To ensure your break is legal according to APA league rules, the following is necessary: Using as much power as you can while still maintaining control of the shot

Can you hit the 8 ball directly from the table?

You could also use the 8 ball as a triple combo or carom shot, but you can make direct contact with the 8 ball as shot by the cue ball as long as its open table.

Can you hit the 8 ball first in a combo shot?

The 8-ball cannot be contacted first in a combo shot, but it can be contacted first in a carrom shot: In the above situation, you can bounce the 8-ball off the 12-ball and into the pocket. Of course. The strategy is to use the 8 ball to your advantage by not only hitting your balls with it, but also hitting your opponents balls.