Can you block and unblock someone multiple times?

Can you block and unblock someone multiple times?

As you can see, Instagram makes it easy for you to either block or unblock someone on the social network. You can do this as many times as you want, so it doesn’t matter how many times you change your mind.

How many days can you block a person again?

To stop this, Facebook has made it so that you have to wait 48 hours (or more) before you can re-block a person. This means that if you are playing the blocking/harassing game, the other person has a 48-hour window to hit you back.

Is there a limit to how many times you can block someone on Instagram?

There is no time limit on how long you block someone. When you block someone, they will be blocked forever unless you choose in the future to unblock that person.

Does blocking unfollow Instagram?

While blocking someone will cause them to unfollow you, if your Instagram account is set to private, you can also remove followers without using the block feature.

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How many times can you block and unblock on Instagram?

That said, you can block, unblock, and re-block someone for as long as you like on Instagram. Indeed, there are no limitations on the number of times you can block and unblock someone on Instagram. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the blocking and unblocking process on Instagram.

How many times can you block and unblock someone on Facebook?

You can block and unblock people as many times as you wish. However I would ask yourself before you unblock the person/s as to why you would unblock them and then later need to re block. If it’s nosiness etc then I would take a step back to remind yourself why they initially are blocked from your life in this way.

Do I have to wait 2 days to unblock someone?

Unfortunately you will have to wait for the 2 days to end. But usually they won’t make you wait the 2 days unless you have tried blocking the same person more than once. If it was by mistake and only happened 1 time they shouldn’t have or make you want 2 days.

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Is it possible to block someone who has blocked you?

If you are blocked by someone, than it is not possible for you to block them because they won’t show anywhere, i repeat anywhere, so you cannot block someone who has blocked you. Hope it helps you out.

How do I remove someone from the blocked senders list?

If you want to remove someone from the blocked senders list, follow the instructions below. Go to Settings . At the bottom of the pane, click Mail. In the left pane, select Mail > Accounts > Block or allow. Under Blocked Senders, select the address or domain you want to unblock, and then select .