
Can you become a tattoo artist while in college?

Can you become a tattoo artist while in college?

Formal education is optional for aspiring tattoo artists. However, you may need to take art classes and complete an apprenticeship to gain experience, fine-tune your skills and get licensed. Tattoo artist apprenticeship programs are typically unpaid and last anywhere between a few months to two or three years.

How many hours a week does a tattoo apprentice work?

Our current apprentices both work close to 40 hours in the shop AND 25-30 hours at paying jobs outside the shop. Both young men are working 70+ hour weeks, all so they can look forward to more 70+ hour weeks.

Do tattoo apprentices charge less?

Tattoo apprentices typically don’t charge for work, as it’s considered practice to grow their portfolio and gain experience, but tips are always appreciated. However, seeking out scratchers just because they charge less is a great way to guarantee you’re going to get a tattoo you’ll want covered up in the near future.

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Is tattoo artist a career?

If you love art and design and have a passion for tattoos, becoming a tattoo artist can be a rewarding career. Like many creative trades, pursuing a career in tattooing isn’t easy. The cost and time commitment to get a job as a tattoo artist is significant, but the payoff has the potential to be so much more.

What is a tattoo apprenticeship like?

What is a Tattoo Apprenticeship? A tattoo apprenticeship is a way for a student to learn everything they can from an established tattoo artist. It usually starts as a hands-off experience where they are trained on safety, proper sanitation, and how to build a machine. The average apprenticeship takes about 2 years.

Do tattoo apprentices need to know how to draw?

An apprenticeship will not teach you how to draw or be an artist, so you will need to develop your artistic ability to draw before you concentrate on pursuing a tattoo apprenticeship. What is a Tattoo Apprenticeship? A tattoo apprenticeship is a way for a student to learn everything they can from an established tattoo artist.

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How do I become a piercing apprenticeship?

Finding a piercing apprenticeship can be just as difficult as finding one with a tattoo artist, but the requirements are a little different. You’re not going to be expected to have the same artistic talent, so you won’t need a portfolio. You do, however, still need to attract the attention of your potential mentor.

How hard is it to get into tattooing?

Tattoo apprenticeships are extremely valuable and sometimes hard to come by due to popularity. Apprenticeships are not an easy way to get into tattooing. No route is easy, but if you truly believe this is the route for you, you’ll put the work in.

What skills do you need to become a tattoo artist?

You’re looking for an apprenticeship that will last long enough to provide you with the proper skills needed not just in tattooing, but also in sterilization, proper cleaning, and business management. You’ll also need to learn things like needle making, prepping, making stencils, along with other aspects of the business.