
Can you be just friends with someone you have chemistry with?

Can you be just friends with someone you have chemistry with?

If the feeling is mutual, and both parties are comfortable with sexual chemistry, then there’s no reason why you can’t be friends. However, if it’s sexual attraction from one person to another – if the other person is not sexually attracted to you, too – it’s important to consider the feelings of the other person.

Can chemistry be friends?

Last year, Campbell headed up a study in The Social Science Journal on “friendship chemistry,” which she and her colleagues defined as “an instant connection between friends that is easy and makes the relationship seem natural.” (Friendship chemistry, Campbell noted, is one subset of “interpersonal chemistry,” which …

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Can you be just friends with someone you are attracted to?

So, whether two people who are sexually attracted to one another can maintain a platonic friendship isn’t a yes or no question. If both friends choose not to cross the line between platonic friendship and romantic relationship, then yes, they can remain friends.

Do you need chemistry to be friends?

In short– I’ll say this: It is important that you eventually like each other and feel connected to each other. So yes, chemistry is important in that sense. But we don’t have to feel it instantly, nor do we have to be limited by our false beliefs of what we need to have in common with each other.

What does romantic chemistry mean?

What Is Romantic Chemistry? Romantic chemistry focuses on characteristics present between two people, including mutual interests, similarity, and intimacy. According to Campbell, the more present these characteristics are, the more likely two individuals will perceive chemistry between each other.

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What is the best way to look at chemistry between couples?

All in all, the best way to look at the chemistry between two people is by considering it as an enormous potential for a great long-term relationship.

What is meant by chemistry between two persons?

What Is Meant By Chemistry Between Two Persons? Simply put, the chemistry between people can be defined as a combination of physical attraction, desire, emotional connection, passion, and crave you can’t control.

What is true chemistry in a relationship?

According to relationship experts, there exist more types of chemistry : intellectual chemistry, the chemistry of love, and sexual chemistry but all of them together form true chemistry, which is one of the most intense things you’ll ever feel.

Is mutmutual chemistry the best way to start a relationship?

Mutual chemistry is one of the best ways in which you can start a relationship but it’s not bulletproof and it can be misleading. So while chemistry is important, what’s even more important is creating something from it.