
Can we use apostrophes with non living things?

Can we use apostrophes with non living things?

It is not wrong to use a possessive ‘s with an inanimate (non-living) thing. It is perfectly acceptable to use it.

Can you use apostrophe S for things?

1. Use an apostrophe +”s” (‘s) to show that one person/thing owns or is a member of something. Style guides vary when it comes to a name that ends in an “s.” Even if the name ends in “s,” it’s still correct to add another “‘s” to create the possessive form.

Which apostrophe is used incorrectly?

It is never, ever appropriate to put an apostrophe + s with a possessive pronoun. You should never see your’s, her’s, their’s, etc. Incorrect: What’s your’s is mine, and what’s mine is your’s. Correct: What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours.

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How do you express possession?

Possession in English is expressed through possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns, and through the the possessive genitive, also called the Saxon genitive. The latter is a construction in English that does not exist in some other languages.

How do you use S and S?

The possessive ‘s always comes after a noun. When something belongs to more than one person and we give a list of names, we put ‘s on the last name. With regular plural nouns we use ‘ not ‘s. They’re my parents’ friends.

Is 70’s correct?

“The 70’s are my favorite decade.” or “The ’70s are my favorite decade.” If you guessed the latter, you are correct. The apostrophe in ’70s is forming a contraction for the numbers you are replacing in the spelled out version “1970s.” Never put the apostrophe before the “s” when describing decades.

Is the contraction?

In most contractions, an apostrophe represents the missing letters. The most common contractions are made up of verbs, auxiliaries, or modals attached to other words: He would=He’d….What is a contraction?

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‘s is he’s (he is), it’s (it is)
I’m I am
let’s let us

What is a false possessive?

You should also be aware of false possessives. They often end in s but don’t indicate possession; they are simply noun-derived adjectives or adjective phrases modifying another noun.

How do you use it’s with an apostrophe?

Use this simple trick to decide whether to use an apostrophe in its: if “it is” or “it has” sounds fine in a sentence, use it’s; otherwise, use its. In the following sentences, “it is” or “it has” would fit. Therefore, you can use the contraction it’s (with the apostrophe).

What are the most common apostrophe mistakes?

One of the most common apostrophe mistakes is confusing possessive pronouns with contractions that look or sound similar. Always pay attention to whether an apostrophe is intended to indicate possession or a contraction, and remember that possessive pronouns don’t take apostrophes.

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Do you put an apostrophe after the number 10?

If you’re pluralizing a single digit numeral, you may add an apostrophe S for clarity. Most style guides do not recommend adding an apostrophe S for the numbers 10 and above. Fred was born in the 1970s.

Do you put an apostrophe after a contraction?

If you’re indicating possession, use its— no apostrophe is ever required. But if you’re forming a contraction, it is becomes it’s. These differences may seem small, but they are some of the mistakes that will really trigger the Grammar Police. Check out these 12 little-known punctuation marks we should all be using.