Can we integrate rest assured with Selenium?

Can we integrate rest assured with Selenium?

Steps would be: Using Rest assured hit a Login API and get all required tokens. Using Selenium – launch browser and hit the URL- SOMEHOW (???) pass the tokens generated in step 1 to browser (i.e to driver) so that logged in session opens up for that URL-

Can API testing be done in Selenium?

Selenium is not a tool for API testing.

Is Selenium a framework or API?

You also can configure the Proxy Server to know which browser to use for your test run. Some folks also call it Selenium 2. In a nutshell, it’s an API (not a testing framework) that allows you to open a browser window and drive it using keyboard and mouse emulations just like a real user would.

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Can we automate REST API using selenium?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. Here we can provide the method, API URL, Body, Authorization headers or any other parameters, if required. RESTClient supports all HTTP methods RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1) and RFC2518 (WebDAV).

How do you automate rest assured API?

REST API Testing – Advance

  1. POST Request using Rest Assured.
  2. Serialization and Deserialization in Java.
  3. Deserialize Json Response.
  4. Authentication and Authorization in REST WebServices.
  5. PUT Request using Rest Assured.
  6. DELETE Request using Rest Assured.

Can we automate API in selenium?

Selenium framework for URL based API testing, simplifies API validation by building test cases. The same can be leveraged for a selenium driven automation engine to validate and update the test execution results.

How do I create a Rest assured framework?

Learn step-by-step

  1. Understanding Test Automation Framework and project setup.
  2. Creating automation layer and custom rest client.
  3. Writing logic in the application layer.
  4. Write first test case to test GET HTTP method in test layer.
  5. Adding test cases to test POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE HTTP methods.
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Can you use selenium for testing REST API or Web services?

Selenium is a set of tools that automate web browser.so go API you can use JMeter, Postman or SoapUi. Selenium does not support API testing.

Is Rest assured a framework?

What is Rest Assured? Rest Assured enables you to test REST APIs using java libraries and integrates well with Maven. Rest Assured.io framework has made it very simple using core java basics, making it a very desirable thing to learn.

Is it possible to do API testing with selenium?

Well of course, if you have a user interface base or custom framework which is built around Selenium web browser you could easily extend that framework to include API testing, but you need a different tool or library for doing that. One of those libraries that Bas uses is Rest-assured.

Why rest assured for API automation testing?

It has very efficient matching techniques, so asserting your expected results is also pretty straight forward. Rest Assured has methods to fetch data from almost every part of the request and response no matter how complex the JSON structures are. For the testing community, API Automation Testing is still new and niche.

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Does selenium have enough coverage for UI testing?

We could have very minimal coverage for UI testing. REST API testing is not very difficult compared to selenium web driver UI testing. Most of the APIs should be one of GET / POST / PUT / PATCH / DELETE requests. POST is used to add new information into the back end. PUT is used to update / replace any existing information.

What are the best tools for REST API testing?

For testing REST APIs there are better tools for this in my opinion. You can use tools for REST API Testing like RestCase, Runscope or vRest . There are also many rest clients available like Postman and etc.. Selenium should also be able to do as it can Send AJAX or HTTP requests.