
Can the Force erase memories?

Can the Force erase memories?

Memory rubbing was a telepathic Force technique that allowed an individual to use the Force to alter or erase both the memories and/or learned skills of another.

Who is the son of Mortis?

The Son, also known as the Brother, was a male Force wielder who resided in the ethereal realm of Mortis with his family, the Father and the Daughter. Belonging to a family of beings who possessed a unique connection to the Force, the Son embodied the dark side whereas his sister was attuned to the light.

Does ECT erase bad memories?

ECT may never be appropriate for simply erasing a bad memory, Kroes says. But for people already undergoing the treatment for other reasons, ECT may allow them to gain control over crippling memories. For instance, a patient might target bad memories to be wiped out by recalling them just before treatment.

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Who are the father and Anakin Skywalker?

―The Father and Anakin Skywalker. The Father was a being who stood as the patriarch of the family of god-like entities known as The Ones, and was the most powerful force-user in history.

Why is Anakin called the Chosen One?

Making Anakin the Chosen One, prophesied to one day emerge to bring balance to the Force. That was Qui-Gon’s theory, at least, and it was left as the only explanation in the Star Wars movies (before, as we said above, the mystery was largely sidelined).

Was Anakin Skywalker created by the midi-chlorians?

…but it wasn’t the Midi-chlorians that came up with the idea. Anakin Skywalker was created by manipulating the Dark Side of the Force, as many fans have suspected, but the identity of his ‘father’ guarantees that fans will never see the Star Wars saga the same way again. One last time, prepare yourself for this major SPOILER.

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Why did Qui Gon Jinn bring the boy back to the Jedi?

Even in the world of Star Wars, a cosmic variation on a “virgin birth” is a major development, and Qui-Gon knew to bring the boy back to the cradle of the Jedi. The boy, he believed, whom the Jedi had been waiting for.