
Can the effects of a magnetic field be observed using non metal filings?

Can the effects of a magnetic field be observed using non metal filings?

Magnetic field lines always cross. The effects of a magnetic field can be observed using non-metal filings.

Can dark matter be gravity?

Dark matter can refer to any substance which interacts predominantly via gravity with visible matter (e.g., stars and planets). Hence in principle it need not be composed of a new type of fundamental particle but could, at least in part, be made up of standard baryonic matter, such as protons or neutrons.

What happens if you hold the south pole of one magnet close to the north pole of another magnet?

The other end is called the south pole. When two magnets are brought together, the opposite poles will attract one another, but the like poles will repel one another. This is similar to electric charges. Like charges repel, and unlike charges attract.

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Why is a compass always pointing north?

The north pole of a compass magnet points toward the north. Earth’s south magnetic pole is near Earth’s geographic north. Earth’s magnetic north pole is near Earth’s geographic south. That’s why the north pole of a compass points toward north because that’s where Earth’s south magnetic pole is located and they attract.

Is it possible to create gravity with Dia magnetism?

There is a method by which the effects of gravity can be created using dia-magnetism, but it requires extremely powerful magnetic fields. With such strong magnetic fields, it is doubtful that it will ever be safe for use by humans.

Why can’t we see gravity?

Gravity (and forces in general) isn’t an object. It has no physical substance for visible light to be reflected on and then hit your eyes, where by a series of nerves and electrical signal transfer that to your brain and you “see” it. However, this kind of “seeing” is very limited in range.

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How do scientists make magnetic fields visible to the human eye?

Scientists call these invisible influences FIELDS. You can make magnetic fields visible to the eye by using iron chips sprinkled on a piece of paper with a magnet underneith. On the Sun, our nearest star, you can see the same kinds of magnetic fields as they pop out of the surface of the sun.

Is it possible to turn off gravity with a magnetic field?

“Physical law as we know it precludes the shutting off of the gravitational interaction by any means, magnetic or otherwise. One can produce an equal and opposite magnetic force to counterbalance the pull of gravity, but gravity itself is interpreted as a curvature of space and time by mass.