
Can the celestials beat the living tribunal?

Can the celestials beat the living tribunal?

When it comes to the grand cosmic hierarchy, the Celestials sit fairly high, but the Living Tribunal sits above them. As such, anyone above them on that celestial ladder has the ability to defeat them and wipe them from all existence.

Is there anyone stronger than the Living Tribunal?

2 One-Above-All The only superior to The Living Tribunal in the cosmic hierarchy, the One-Above-All is considered the God of the Marvel multiverse. It created all life in the multiverse. The One-Above-All is omnipotent in every sense and capable of rendering the universe’s matter into whichever way it deems necessary.

What powers does Living Tribunal have?

Powers. The Living Tribunal was the embodiment of the Marvel multiverse. He is considered to be an omnipotent entity, being more powerful than Eternity and Infinity. His power is such that he can nullify the power of the Infinity Gems in unison.

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Is there a Living Tribunal in the multiverse?

Even beings such as Eternity, Infinity, Death and Oblivion were subject to the Living Tribunals authority. Unlike other conceptual beings, the Living Tribunal had no counterpart in other realities; only one Living Tribunal existed in the Multiverse, and it was responsible for all judgments.

How powerful is the Living Tribunal?

In terms of sheer power, the Living Tribunal is of the first rank: an easy Tier 1 (First Class Beyond), absolute apex level being, alongside Thanos with the Heart of the Universe, Pre-retcon Beyonder, Pre-retcon Molecule Man, Protege, &…the apex of all apexes…The One-Above-All, whom no one or no group of ones outran…

What is the Living Tribunal in Marvel Comics?

In Marvel Comics The Living Tribunal is a highest Authority having jurisdiction short of Stan the man Lee. Stan Lee does not go by the title of God or the creator of Marvel Comics but in Marvel Comics he has a fictional entity that is him.

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Is there a Living Tribunal in Infinity War?

Infinity War. The Living Tribunal’s presence has been implied in the latest MCU film, Doctor Strange, when in one scene, Mordo is training Stange and talking about mystical artifacts. The staff that Mordo uses is referred to as “The Staff of the Living Tribunal”.