
Can Super Man Lift Thors Hammer?

Can Super Man Lift Thors Hammer?

So, there you have it: yes, Superman is capable of wielding Mjolnir, although he was only seen to have done so on an emergency basis — and, in fact, it appears that Wonder Woman is more unconditionally worthy of the weapon than he.

Who’s stronger Aquaman or Thor?

Take Aquaman to space he dies, Thor doesn’t need to breathe so he can survive underwater and he is stronger and more powerfult than Aquaman. Thor also is older and has much more training when it comes to hand to hand. This is no contest Thor wins everytime.

Can Supergirl hold Thor’s hammer?

Kara Danvers from The CW’s Supergirl, has proven herself to have the strength, determination, and purity of heart to wield the Hammer of Thor. Worthiness, in part, implies the ability to not be corrupted by the awesome power of the hammer.

Why can’t Optimus Prime lift his hammer?

Another reason Optimus would be able or not be able to lift his hammer would be on the Occasion Thor isn’t around to handle Mjolnir so Odin allows another person handle it…as long as it is used for good. Clean entertainment with faith and family values. Have faith in your entertainment and stream thousands of movies, series and more.

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Is optoptimus Prime worthy of wielding Mjolnir?

Optimus Prime is awesome, but he is not worthy of wielding Mjolnir. That inscription was one of the worst ideas Marvel ever had. Despite what writers have done with it over the years, Mjolnir was created for Thor Odinson. It used to be a rare and shocking event when anyone else could wield the hammer.

Who can lift the THOR Hammer?

The new Thor, the mortal woman Jane Foster, has also shown to be able to not just lift it, but utilize the full extent of Thor’s powers too. Looking outside the Marvel Universe, we look at the common traits of those worthy and hypothesize who might have the traits needed to not just lift the hammer, but use its power too.

What does the inscription on the side of THOR’s Hammer mean?

The inscription on the side of the hammer reads, “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” For everyone else who tries to lift it, it won’t even budge.