
Can Saitama destroy the solar system?

Can Saitama destroy the solar system?

Ofcourse, he deflected a star breaking attack from boros without even reaching his peak potential, so a serious punch would be enough to shatter the entire SOLAR SYSTEM for that matter.

Was Boros a planet buster?

“Boros is just planet surface level because he said he will destroy Earth’s surface.” Saying you will destroy something ≠ you only have enough power to destroy said thing. A restrained base Boros is stated to be able to blast planets away.

Is one punch man a gimmick?

One Punch Man’s big gimmick is that Saitama, the main character, can defeat his opponents with a single punch. The gist is that by “fighting better” and blocking attacks to survive as best you can, Saitama will eventually make his way to the battlefield and let your opponents have it.

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Can Saitama survive in space?

Saitama can survive in space, but only temporarily. Saitama has broken his limiter with pure effort alone which allowed himself to stay alive in space for a while.

Can one punch man break a planet?

Saitama is the fictional testament that the phrase “absolute power, corrupts absolutely” isn’t necessarily true as long as one stays down-to-earth. Saitama can literally destroy the world with one punch if he wanted to, but he doesn’t because he only wants to be a hero and play video games like everyone else.

Is Saiki K planet buster?

It is also said in the show that current Saikis limited power, is the same as his unlimited power in the fifth grade. That’s means that with his limiter, Saiki is easily a Moon Buster, and at full strength is probably Large Planetary.

Why did Saitama hold his breath on the moon?

In the chapter 47 (35.2), Boros punches Saitama so hard that he is sent flying towards the moon. When he lands there, he does his best to hold his breath: This is because he does need air to survive.