
Can peace be achieved without war?

Can peace be achieved without war?

Peace, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is the absence or the end of war. It cannot exist without war, just as death is a meaningless concept without life. For some, however, “true” peace is a positive concept, signifying harmony in world affairs, or perhaps well managed social conflict.

Who says no war brings peace for violence only brings more violence?

Q. Who says, “No war brings peace, for violence only brings more violence .”?
B. Nehru
C. Pearl.S buck
D. Godse
Answer» c. Pearl.S buck

Is war the only way to make peace?

War is a state of conflict between different societies or countries. The general cause of war is the difference in opinions. War is not the only way to bring peace. There are many alternative ways such as negotiating to terms which are reasonable for both the countries and hence resolving the problem.

How peace can be achieved within you?

Accept What Is. Whatever is happening in the present moment, say “yes” to it. Don’t resist it; don’t struggle against it; and don’t try to argue with it. The present is already here, and it is what it is. When you struggle with the way things are now, you’re struggling with the entire universe.

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Is there a possibility to achieve peace all around the world?

“Genuine “world peace”–meaning effective consensus regarding shared sacrifices as well as voluntary cooperation–is theoretically possible. Worldwide peace is most likely only some decades from now, when threats to humanity’s existence generated by global warming, pollution, etc., become an imminent threat to all.

Do you believe that peace should be the answer?

Yes. Not everyone agrees with war but we have to open our eyes to the fact that war is inevitable. Human race was made to fight. I do believe that peace should be the answer but in someone else’s eyes. It will never happen. War is hell, but freedom is worth the price.

Does war always lead to peace?

War is pursued only through fear and a total misunderstanding of how we are connected to those we choose to war against. History appears to have provided many examples of where war has eventually resulted in peace, but this is an error of perception. The end of war does not bring peace, it just brings about the end of war.

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Is it possible to draw a conclusive argument for peace?

However, in my opinion, it is not possible to draw a conclusive argument, as whether or not peace can be achieved after war depends heavily on the context behind the war and the parties involved.

How do you win a war and bring peace?

The only way to ‘ Win ‘ through war is to totally obliterate your enemy, but that does not bring peace, just the end of war. When your goal becomes one of ‘ winning a war ‘ as compared to ‘ bringing about peace ‘, peace will never occur because it is not part of the goal and can never be the result of war.