
Can parents disown their child India?

Can parents disown their child India?

According to the Indian legal system no parents can disown their son, they have a legal obligation to maintain their minor children until they become an adult. Under the Indian Majority Act, 1875 a child who attain the majority can be disowned by their parents.

How do I kick my son out of my house?

The only way to legally start the eviction process on a child with a tenancy at will is to give him or her a 30-day notice to vacate (60-day notice if the child has been in your home more than one year) and wait the 30 or 60 days after you gave notice to allow your child to leave.

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Can I file case against father for property?

Yes you can file a Petition for maintenance U/s 125 of Criminal Procedure Code. In such Petition and under the right provided by the Criminal Procedure Code you would be liable to claim money in the way of Maintenance from your Father.

Can a daughter file complaint against Father?

You can file domestic violence and 498 A of IPC case against your father. Further you can approach the Court for protection from your father.

How can I legally kick my husband out of the House?

To legally kick your husband out of the house, California law has certain requirements. It requires a showing of assault or threatened assault if the request is made on an emergency basis. It also requires potential for physical or emotional harm if the request is made on a non-emergency basis.

How can I get my husband out of the House?

Most importantly, get yourself to a safe and secure place. You do not want you and your children to be in a place of harm. You can seek an order to kick your husband out of the house even after you leave the house. You just have to do it within a reasonable time. Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for helpful information.

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What to do if your child refuses to leave the House?

So next time your kid – or anyone – who is down on his luck and needs a place to stay “temporarily” – keep in mind if he refuses to leave, you have to take legal action. Just throwing the person out or calling the police is not going to get it done.

Can a brother be made to leave a house?

A As one of the joint owners of the property, the brother who is living in the house has the right to occupy it, as do you and your other brothers. He can’t be made to leave the home without an exclusion order from the courts, which your other brother would have to apply for.