
Can non friends mention me on Facebook?

Can non friends mention me on Facebook?

Anyone can tag you in photos and other posts. Tags from people you’re not friends with may appear in your timeline review, where you can decide if you want to allow them on your timeline. Remember, posts you choose not to allow on your timeline may appear in News Feed and elsewhere on Facebook.

Can my friends see when someone mentions me in a comment?

Anyone who can see the comment (and the post it’s attached to) can also see the ‘mention’, which is analogous to a tag on a main post. However, you’re the only person who would get a ‘notification’, so otherwise it would be catch-as-catch-can as to whether other people would actually see it.

What happens when you tag someone who isn’t your friend on Facebook?

A new feature available on Facebook profiles now lets profile owners tag non-friends in the comments threads of their public posts. Tagging another Facebook user in your response will alert them via notifications that they’ve been pinged, calling better attention to your comment and helping to cultivate better dialog.

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How do you know if someone has mentioned you in a comment on Facebook?

Whenever somebody tags you in a comment, you will get a notification saying a user “mentioned you in a comment.” Click See All. This button is located at the bottom of your drop-down notifications list. It will open a list of all notifications that you’ve received since you opened your Facebook account.

How do I remove myself from being mentioned in a comment on Facebook?

How to untag yourself on Facebook

  1. Start by opening Facebook in a browser or launching the Facebook app.
  2. Find the post you have been tagged in.
  3. At the top right of the post, beside the name of the person who posted it, click the three-dot menu.
  4. In the menu, choose “Remove tag.”
  5. You’ll see a confirmation dialog.

How do I block a mention on Facebook?

How do I stop allowing others to tag or mention my Facebook Page?

  1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
  2. Go to your Page.
  3. Click Settings at the top of your Page.
  4. From General, click Others Tagging this Page.
  5. Click to uncheck the box next to Allow people and other Pages to tag [Page name].
  6. Click Save Changes.

What happens when you mention someone in a comment on Facebook?

A Facebook Mention is when you write a post or comment and include a person or page’s name within the text. The name becomes a blue link to that page or profile, and the respective party receives a notification that they were mentioned.

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When you mention someone in a group they don’t have access to the mentioned person?

In that post, you @mention someone who doesn’t have access to that record or isn’t a member of the group. In this case, the @mention appears as a gray link. The mentioned person can’t see your post and doesn’t get notified about the post.

When you tag someone on Facebook does it disappear?

If you originally posted the photo, and added the tag, the name and the tag will disappear, leaving only the person’s face or likeness in the picture. The photo and the person’s name will remain visible but, from your perspective, the tag will no longer link to the person’s Timeline.

Can I tag someone who is not my friend?

The only difference between tagging a Facebook friend and tagging anyone else is that a photo tag of a person who is not a Facebook friend is not linked to that person’s profile, and they do not receive notification of the tag.

Who can see when I’m mentioned in a comment?

This setting defaults to Friends, which means when you’re tagged in a post, you and your friends can see the post, even if they weren’t in the original audience. The post you’re tagged in may be shared with the original audience, as well as the friends you suggest.

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Can people see if you are mentioned in a comment on Facebook?

If someone has mentioned you in a comment on Facebook, only you’ll get a notification and any person can see you mentioned in a comment as long as the person who mentioned you didn’t delete the mention/comment or if the post you’re mentioned in is set to Public. Hope it help.

Can I prevent people I’m not friends with from leaving comments?

Is there any way to prevent people I’m not friends with from leaving comments on my posts? Rick’s answer: Hi Tammy. As far as I know there’s no way to stop non-friends from commenting on your posts directly, but you can definitely prevent them from seeing your posts in the first place.

How do I mention a friend on Facebook?

Normally, mentioning a friend is as simple as beginning to type their name and allowing Facebook to auto-suggest the person you want to mention – as long as you capitalize and begin to spell their name correctly.

Can I send a message to anyone on Facebook without friends?

In most cases, you can send a message to anyone on Facebook, whether or not you’re friends. You have to send the messages from your personal account, since you can’t write and send a message on Facebook directly from your business page to a person with whom you’re not connected.