
Can my tortoise play with my dog?

Can my tortoise play with my dog?

Can tortoises live with other animals? Most often the answer is yes, tortoises can live safely with other animals. However, any animal can get aggressive, playful, curious and sometimes sick.

Will a dog attack a tortoise?

Yes, though there are no guarantees that a tortoise will survive a dog bite and the more serious the bite, the more difficult it may be.

Do dogs and turtles get along?

Dogs and turtles Turtles and dogs can live together, but care needs to be taken. For starters, dogs have huge teeth and strong jaws that can crack open a turtle’s shell with ease. While dogs are humans’ best friends, the same cannot be said for turtles. A curious dog can easily injure and even kill a turtle.

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Why does my dog want to eat my tortoise?

Dogs who are aggressive or anxious may not do well with other pets. Unlike most of the mammals you can bring into your house, turtles look a lot like many of the chew toys and treats that you purchase for your pooch. This could cause your dog to treat your turtle like a chew toy.

Is tortoise poop toxic to dogs?

Robin Lane. I learned that Tortie most likely carries a species of pinworms that can only set up housekeeping in tortoise intestines. Unlike pinworms that bedevil unlucky school children, Tortie’s would be harmless to dogs and humans.

Do tortoises get stressed?

Recognizing stress in tortoises may be difficult, but it is important to recognize as they do suffer from stress from time to time. Lethargy, lack of appetite, and hiding a lot are common symptoms. Some signs may simply seem normal, or you may confuse them for symptoms of other issues.

How long does it take for tortoise shell to heal?

Shell fractures can take up to 30 months to fully heal. Spaces left between fragments will heal via ossification of the coelomic membrane.

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Can my dog get sick from a turtle?

Not only can Fido harm Shelley, but she can inadvertently harm him too by transferring salmonella bacteria to him, which could make your pup very sick. Clean any areas frequented by your turtle regularly and wash your hands before handling your dog after handling your turtle.

Can dogs get Salmonella from tortoise poop?

Reptiles, such as turtles, lizards, and snakes, are particularly likely to harbor Salmonella in their gastrointestinal tract, but warm-blooded pets and livestock can also carry the bacteria and appear perfectly healthy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Do tortoises get along with dogs?

Above all, a pet tortoise must have a safe enclosure. Needless to say, keep your tortoise/s and your dog/s away from each other. As we said in this article: Can tortoises live with other pets?, it’s best to keep dogs away from tortoises. If dogs are allowed to roam, then keep the tortoises in an enclosure sealed against the dog/s.

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Can a tortoise survive a dog bite?

Yes, though there are no guarantees that a tortoise will survive a dog bite and the more serious the bite, the more difficult it may be. Much of your pet’s chances depend on the actions that you take after discovering the bite. So keep an eye out, and create the right environment for your pet/s.

Why is my Dog scared of my tortoise?

The shape and the movement of your shelled reptile can trigger instincts in a dog that might lead to bad things for your tortoise. It’s not your dog’s fault.

What should I do if my tortoise has an injury?

If such an injury occurs, your tortoise will need veterinary care. If you cannot get to us or an emergency clinic right away, please gently clean the wound with a warm wash cloth. If you have povidone iodine (e.g., Betadine™), you may use lukewarm water to dilute it to the color of weak iced tea and gently wash the wound.