
Can my employer charge me for a broken laptop?

Can my employer charge me for a broken laptop?

Replacing Damaged Equipment You can only require an employee to pay for damaged equipment, if the damage is done on purpose or because of gross negligence. Unless you have video footage of the incident, there is no way to prove why the equipment is damaged unless the employee confesses.

Do companies replace broken laptops?

In some cases, manufacturers will give you a replacement laptop rather than repair the one you have. The exception to repairing a laptop that’s still under warranty is if the damage is due to something you’ve done and not a defective component.

What happens if I lose my company laptop?

Your employee should report the loss or theft to their manager. The manager should then involve both the IT department and the human resources department. If the laptop isn’t recovered, you should also report it as stolen to your local police department.

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Can my boss make me pay for damages?

Charging employees for damaged property without explicit proof that the employee damaged the property on purpose is generally considered to be a business expense. To put it simply, you cannot force an employee to pay for damages or lost property; however, you may “respectfully request” that they do.

Can a company charge you for accidental damage?

Employers cannot deduct money from an employee to cover the cost of damages with a clear, signed agreement with written consent. If it’s agreed in their contract, the employee must pay an accurate reflection of the cost of the damages. These costs can’t be an arbitrary penalty charge.

What should I do if my laptop is damaged in office?

Simply report it, take actions to mitigate the damage (put in a bag with rice, or another desiccant) and turn it in to your department and have your support people look at it. Was is allowed or even desired by you employer that you take the laptop home? Was common that the basement was flooded (e.g. every year)?

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What to do if a company loaned you a laptop?

Contact the IT personnel or supervisor at the company as soon as possible and let them know. If the company has loaned you a laptop, you’re likely expected to complete work on the laptop. If it’s damaged to the extent where you can’t effectively use it, you may need to quickly have it replaced.

What do you do with your lost/destroyed laptops?

The reality is that accidents happen, but someone has to pay to fix the problem, so just make sure it’s not you! Back when I worked in IT, our policy for lost/destroyed laptops was that it would get replaced by a used laptop of about the same service age. Between employee resignations and scheduled upgrades, we always had some used laptops around.

Can a damaged laptop be repaired or replaced?

Usually laptop are issued to executive level staff, you will not have any problem footing the cost of replacement, importance is on the data recovery. Most physical damage to the laptop exterior casing will not harm the hard disk residing inside.