
Can Muggles enter wizarding world?

Can Muggles enter wizarding world?

Muggles also occasionally produced a magical child. The Muggle parents would thus be informed of the existence of the wizarding world, and might even enter it on occasion, as Hermione Granger’s parents did when they accompanied their daughter and the Weasley family to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies in 1992.

What do muggles see when they look at Hogwarts?

They can certainly go to the area that Hogwarts is geographically, but even if they were staring straight at it, they would not see it. If a muggle looks on Hogwarts, all they see is a dilapidated building with a sign that says “danger do not enter, unsafe”.

Is the wizarding world less practical than the Muggle world?

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Here are ten ways the wizarding world is a lot less practical than the Muggle world. While at Hogwarts, all of the students use ink and quill to do all of their homework. While this might create a nice aesthetic feel considering they go to school in a castle, it’s really impractical. This would make it so much slower to write things down.

Where do the Muggles live?

This is excluding the Leaky Cauldron pub or platform 9 3/4 of course. In the wizarding world they are living in the same locations as in the muggle world such as Bristol, Kent, Romania and Bulgaria, yet in the muggle world those places are already occupied by the muggles. So where are those places that exist in the wizarding world.

Is it possible for a wizard to fall in love with Muggle?

Wizarding society is not entirely closed off from the Muggle world, however. It is not uncommon, for example, for wizards and witches to fall in love with Muggles, and let them in on the secret. Nor is it uncommon for Muggles to give birth to a magical child.

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Is the Wizarding World outdated in the real world?

But, despite their ability to use magic, there are many things about the wizarding world that are whether outdated. Many Muggle inventions that we have in the real world are much better than what wizards use. Here are ten ways the wizarding world is a lot less practical than the Muggle world.