
Can methods be overloaded based on the return types?

Can methods be overloaded based on the return types?

No, you cannot overload a method based on different return type but same argument type and number in java. different parameters (different type or, different number or both).

Can a function be overloaded based on return type in C++?

No, you can’t overload by return type; only by parameter types, and const/volatile qualifiers. One alternative would be to “return” using a reference argument: void get(int, int&); void get(int, char&); although I would probably either use a template, or differently-named functions like your second example.

Why return value is not a function overloading criteria in C++?

Return type of functions is not a part of the mangled name which is generated by the compiler for uniquely identifying each function in the case of function overloading. are the parameters which are used to generate the unique mangled name for each function.

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What if return type is different in method overloading?

The compiler does not consider the return type while differentiating the overloaded method. But you cannot declare two methods with the same signature and different return type. It will throw a compile-time error.

Can we have different return type in method overriding?

Yes. It is possible for overridden methods to have different return type .

Can we override method with different return type?

Does overloading depend upon return type?

No,It does not depend on Return Type. Because if return type is different and function name as well as parameter is also same. Then it will give compile time error.

Can we overload method with different return type C#?

You cannot overload two functions with the only difference being a return type. C# uses the parameter list as the context. You cannot overload a method by only having different return types.

Can overloaded methods have different return types C#?

The compiler does not consider the return type while differentiating the overloaded method. But you cannot declare two methods with the same signature and different return type. It will throw a compile-time error. If both methods have the same parameter types, but different return type, then it is not possible.

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Why return type is not in method overloading in C#?

It would be compiler error. The compiler does not consider the return type while differentiating the overloaded method. It will throw a compile-time error. If both methods have the same parameter types, but different return type, then it is not possible.

Which function Cannot overload?

2) Member function declarations with the same name and the name parameter-type-list cannot be overloaded if any of them is a static member function declaration. For example, following program fails in compilation. 3) Parameter declarations that differ only in a pointer * versus an array [] are equivalent.

Is it possible to overload a method with different return types?

No method overloading is not possible in case of different return type, because compiler can’t figure that which method he need to call.. For most programming languages that support method overloading (Java, C#, C++, ), if the parameter types are different, then the return types can also be different.

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Is it possible to overload a function in C++?

Since the functions differ in their argument-signature, the overload is fine. You cannot overload based upon return type in C and C++, but you can cheat by returning a class and providing conversion operators. (And don’t forget an insertion operator.)

Why are return types not considered in overload resolution in C++?

C++ (subsection 7.4.1of Bjarne Stroustrup’s “The C++ Programming Language”): “Return types are not considered in overload resolution. The reason is to keep resolution for an individual operator or function call context-independent. Consider:

Are return types too Overkill in C++?

Otherwise, as Luchian says, they’re overkill. Note that the reason you can’t overload based on return type is that C++ lets you discard the value of a function call. So if you simply called my.get(0); the compiler would have no way to decide which piece of code to execute.