
Can Kundalini go back to sleep?

Can Kundalini go back to sleep?

The kundalini sakthi is like a sleeping child, it wakes up from time to time and goes back to sleep.

Does kundalini move up and down?

And kundalini energy, or prana or life force or whatever term you want to call it, moves along these energy centers, both upwards and downwards. When prana flows freely through these energy centers, it leads to an expanded state of awareness and consciousness.

What happens during a Kundalini awakening?

The awakening of Kundalini energy is said to remove duality and clear your being so that prana (life-force energy) can flow through you freely. This creates an ego death and opens heightens your awareness to a new level of sensitivity. What Happens After The Initial Uncoiling?

What happens when Kundalini energy uncoils?

When the Kundalini energy first uncoils itself and awakens it is very intense. Some people feel it as blissful while others struggle through it entirely. Although the entire awakening process is divine transcendence as people are experiencing a death of their ego and rewiring of cells. We all know that deep transformation is not always comfortable.

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What is the meaning of the Sanskrit word Kundalini?

Kundalini itself is a Sanskrit word that means “ she who is coiled ” – it refers to primordial life force energy contained at the base of the spine that is often depicted as a snake. This serpentine energy, once awoken, travels up the various energy centers (or chakras) of the body and into your crown chakra where higher consciousness is triggered.

Is Kundalini Shakti similar to the dark night of the soul?

Yes, absolutely. And it’s for this reason that both tend to lead to experiences of the Dark Night of the Soul (or the inevitable after-effect of having felt like one has ‘lost touch’ with the Divine). Ultimately, they are two sides of the same coin. The kundalini shakti bestows liberation on yogins and bondage on the ignorant.