
Can INTJs be social?

Can INTJs be social?

Absolutely. In terms of the business world, there are a lot of introverted INTJs in business development, who are extremely analytical, but they learn to ask good questions, which allows them to become more social and outgoing from the perspective of being interogatory.

What makes INTJ sad?

INTJs don’t really care to focus on emotions as much, since they understand logic and facts much more. It is simply a requirement of being a human being, and so for the INTJ alienating themselves from this basic need is something which can cause them to feel more depressed than they realize.

Are INTJ prone to anxiety?

An INTJ will typically become stressed in the situations shown in this MBTI type head illustration. In these circumstances you may feel physically stressed and intensely angry, with an obsessive focus on certain details and a tendency to overindulge.

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Are INTJs insecure?

INTJ children feel insecure in emotional situations or when they let their own guard down emotionally. They tend to be private about their feelings and can feel flustered as children if they cry, get angry, or otherwise lose control.

Why are intjs so awkward?

INTJs might not fully realize that they can have awkward tendencies, but this comes from not being all that connected with people or social norms. The awkward INTJs can be blunt and to the point, which to some people can be off-putting and they don’t really appreciate the way the INTJ can be somewhat harsh about how they express things.

What is an INTJ personality type?

INTJs are a very rare personality type, which makes them much different than the social norms or what people expect to see. They approach things in a unique way, and this can be confusing for some people and make them misunderstand where the INTJ is coming from.

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How do intjs express their emotions?

When INTJs express emotions, they tend to do it in a kinesthetic way. Words are cheap. They don’t mean much unless they’re backed up by planned and deliberate action. You may never be the one to give hugs.

Are INTJ’s distracted?

INTJs can be distracted as distracted can be, especially when something bores us. But when we listen to someone and then follow up on things that they say, it means that we care about them. The ultimate gift that an INTJ can give another is our presence.