
Can INTJs be possessive?

Can INTJs be possessive?

INTJs are definitely not possessive people, and actually want to give their loved ones space. They enjoy having plenty of alone time themselves, and strive to maintain a sense of independence. INTJs are not possessive and realize that people are not things that they own.

How do INTJs deal with conflict?

INTJs do not avoid conflict, instead they are welcoming to debates and anything which can help them learn or teach others. INTJs do have a tendency to find conflict since they are naturally blunt people, who believe in speaking their mind and always being accurate.

Do INTJs control their emotions?

Since INTJs don’t focus on emotions as much as others might, it can be difficult for them when these emotions do surface. INTJs do care about their loved ones and will pay attention to those feelings, but they don’t want to allow them to control their choices.

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How do you make an INTJ jealous?

INTJs become jealous when something makes them feel inadequate in some way. When the INTJ feels like they aren’t living up to their potential and something is making them feel weak, then they can easily become jealous of those who are achieving more.

Are INTJs jealous in relationships?

As such, INTJs will rarely indulge in feelings of jealousy. Not only do they tend to have immense confidence, but they’re internally focused, and as such, will rarely get caught up comparing themselves to others.

How can you tell when an INTJ is jealous or possessive?

So, how can you tell when an INTJ is feeling jealous or possessive, well…you really can’t WHEN we take a positive spin on things. However, when we can’t think our way through the ‘feels’, we tend to get depressed; now this is when you can see that an INTJ is stuck on something. Jealousy or possessiveness has been loooong gone by now.

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Why do intjs get depressed easily?

Jealousy and possessiveness can make some INTJs have a moment of weakness, whereby they become depressed. Depressed because the INTJ felt jealousy due to feeling inadequate, our inadequacies makes us feel overlooked by the people we value and finally, INTJs feel overlooked because they feel insecure.

Why are ENTJs so jealous of each other?

They have a tendency to channel any jealousy they may feel into bettering themselves. If they feel like someone else is getting the job done better than they are, the ENTJ will feel a drive to beat that person. They use this jealous as fuel to becoming the best they can be.

Do INTPs get jealous of others?

INTPs do not tend to become jealous of others. If someone is doing better than them it makes them feel a sense of competition rather than jealousy. When in relationships the INTP enjoys giving space and receiving that same space in return.