
Can I workout if I have scapular winging?

Can I workout if I have scapular winging?

Rue explains, “Yes, it is typically okay to continue to lift weights in the setting of scapular winging, but it’s important to know why the scapula is winging and to address this cause first.”

Can I do push ups with winged scapula?

Scapular push-ups can help fix winged scapula. Physical therapists rely on exercises like scapular push-ups to help correct winged scapula, a condition where the scapula muscles are weak, causing them to protrude like wings.

Can weightlifting cause winged scapula?

Long Thoracic Nerve Injury Caused by Overhead Weight Lifting Leading to Scapular Dyskinesis and Medial Scapular Winging.

Is winged scapula permanent?

While scapular winging can usually be improved, you may experience a permanent decreased range of motion in rare cases. Make sure to talk to your doctor as soon as you start experiencing symptoms to improve your chances of making a full recovery.

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Do Pull Ups fix winged scapula?

Scapula Pull ups are a very underutilised movement by almost everyone. However they are extremely beneficial for shoulder health, scapular strength, improving pull up form and helping to progress to more difficult calisthenic exercises such as the Front Lever.

Can slouching cause winged scapula?

Poor posture can also lead to a winged scapula. Years of poor posture can weaken the muscles that hold the shoulder in place to the point where a winged scapula is more likely to occur.

Does scapular winging hurt?

Scapular winging occurs when a shoulder blade sticks out. While the condition is rare, it’s usually painful and makes day-to-day activities, such as lifting grocery bags or brushing your teeth, difficult.

What exercises fix winged scapula?


  • Scapular retraction. This involves pulling the shoulder blades back while in a standing position.
  • External rotation. From a standing position, attach an exercise band to a closed door or another secure object.
  • Horizontal row.
  • Standard pushups.
  • Angel wings.
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Should I do scapular pull ups?

Is winged scapula normal?

A winged scapula is considered normal posture in young children, but not older children and adults.