Can I vs May I use the bathroom?

Can I vs May I use the bathroom?

“Can” is asking whether it’s physically possible. “May I go to the washroom?” means: Do I have your permission to go to the washroom? “May” is asking permission. Rather than sit or stand and squirm you need to just go into the bathroom and relieve yourself.

How do you say may I go to toilet?

You simply say, “Excuse me, I need to goto the restroom.”, or, “Excuse me, I need to goto the bathroom.”, or, “Excuse me, can I use your restroom?”, or, “Pardon me, is there a bathroom nearby?” (like in a store you might use this one).

How do you ask to go to the bathroom in English?

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  1. ‘Could you tell me where the bathroom is please’ ‘Where are the toilets please? ‘
  2. ‘Excuse me but where is the loo? ‘ ‘I’m just going for a patter on the porcelain’
  3. ‘Could you tell me where the restroom is please? ‘
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Why is can I use the bathroom wrong?

Technically, the correct form is “May I go to the toilet.” In casual usage, “can” is much more frequent than “may.” But using “can” could let a smart-aleck respond “I don’t know — can you?” Meaning, “Are you able to.” This is because “can” implied you are asking about ability, not requesting permission.

How do you say I wanna pee?

  1. other ways of saying I want to pee—
  2. 1- I need to empty my bladder.
  3. 2- Excuse me!! I need to urinate/pee/micturate/pass urine.
  4. 3- I have to go to the bathroom.

How do I ask my teacher to go to the toilet?

Ask to use the bathroom.

  1. Raise your hand, wait patiently to be called on, and ask for permission to use the restroom. “May I please go to the restroom, Mr./Mrs/Ms.
  2. Raise your hand with the special signal (perhaps crossed fingers) and patiently wait for a response.

What is the correct word for toilet?

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What is another word for toilet?

bathroom lavatory
latrine washroom
privy cloakroom
loo bog
can john

Can I and may I?

Which do you think is correct? If you use “Can I…” you are literally asking if you have the ability to pick the book up from the person’s hands, walk away with it, and return it later. If you use “May I…” then you are asking permission to use the book and bring it back at a later time.

What is another way to say pee?


  • have to go.
  • micturate.
  • pee.
  • peepee.
  • take a leak.
  • tinkle.
  • wizz.

Can or may I go to the washroom?

May I go to the washroom is correct. May is used in the formal contexts, when you ask for something in a quite polite way. Can is more informal way of asking something. So, usage of ‘Can’ is acceptable in informal contexts; but ‘May’ should be used in formal contexts.

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What is the difference between a washroom and a ladies room?

While a washroom is used for personal hygiene, the restroom is usually frequented by people who are tired and want to rest for some time. Some countries even have mandatory laws emphasizing the need for a restroom especially for the women folk these are the ladies’ room.

Do you say bathroom or restroom in America?

In the US we typically say “bathroom” for the room in our home that contains the toilet. When in public and trying to be polite we ask directions to the “restroom”. Indeed, most signs in restaurants, bars and airports will use the word “Restrooms” to direct people to the toilet.

What are some other words that are synonymous with bathroom?

Other words that are synonymous include bathroom, toilet, comfort room, public lavatory, powder room etc. Washroom and restroom are euphemistic expressions used today.