
Can I submit paper without supervisor?

Can I submit paper without supervisor?

If your paper is good and is a relevant contribution to the field, there’s a good chance an editor will accept it, single author or not. So if you feel that your paper is good as it is, go ahead and submit, you don’t need another author.

Can you publish a paper without a professor?

Theoretically you can publish, but in fact, without leading professor (usually last author), without lab, or university, just by your own, you most probably will get rejected even without reading the contents of the paper.

Can a PhD student publish paper?

As a PhD student, you will usually publish the results of your PhD research. Although your research will be described in your PhD thesis, publishing requires writing up your research findings in the form of a journal article and submitting it to one of the specialised journals within your field.

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How do you publish a research paper without a degree?

Yes, you can. We call it “citizen science.” But it is hard work and it helps to get critical feedback from professional academics. You need to subject your paper to an informal peer review process before you submit it to a journal, which will then submit it to formal peer review.

Can you publish a research paper without affiliation?

Yes, definitely you can publish papers without an institution name. You can put your home address. Generally, journals asked affiliation from the authors to confirm the availability of authors if anyone wants to contact you.

Can a student submit a research paper to a journal without permission?

A student can submit a research paper to a journal without the permission of anyone so long as it is a single-author paper. If there are co-authors, all have to agree to the submission. An interesting question is what constitutes a contribution that is significant enough to warrant someone being listed as a co-author.

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Can I publish a research paper without a co-author?

If, however, you have conceptualized and conducted the research independently and written the paper yourself without any significant intellectual inputs from your supervisor, you can publish it as a sole author, without including him/her as a co-author. In this case, you can submit the paper without informing him.

Can my supervisor be a co-author of my Paper?

These guidelines will help you decide whether your supervisor qualifies to be a co-author of your paper. If he/she has made significant contributions to the study to merit authorship, you will have to take his/her approval before submitting the paper to a journal.

What happens if you don’t include the author of a research paper?

If you fail to include as author someone who made major contributions, the journal can retract the paper after it’s published if they find out, and that is not good for the community nor a good reflection on a person’s professionalism.