
Can I rent my own flat at 17?

Can I rent my own flat at 17?

To rent a property you need to sign a type of contract called a lease. It’s usually difficult to have a contract that someone under the age of 18 can sign because usually the young person wouldn’t be held accountable if something went wrong.

What can I do with an out of control 17 year old?

Parents who notify the police that their 16- or 17-year old has run away or is beyond their control can file a formal complaint with the police department. This must include a written, notarized statement giving the dates, times, and behavior that led them to file the complaint.

Can a 17 year old get an apartment in the US?

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Can 16 – 17-year-old individuals get an apartment in the U.S.? The age of majority is considered 18 in most states and increased in Alabama, Nebraska, and Mississippi. For those who are underage, other means allow persons aged 16 – 17 to get an apartment, such as emancipation, marriage, military service, as well as co-signing.

Can you legally move out at 17 without being emancipated?

You cannot move out at 17 without being emancipated. 17 is the legal age of sexual consent. It is a completely different issue. Legal disclaimer: All answers are for information purposes only. Answering this question or any future questions does not form any attorney-client relationship.

What age do you move out of the family home?

Remember that you can get help from a range of community and government organisations. Most people move out of the family home and set up their own place during their late teens to late 20s. Whether or not leaving goes smoothly depends on the reasons you are moving out and the nature of the relationship you have with your family.

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What is the legal age to move out in New York City?

18 is the legal age of majority in New York. You cannot move out at 17 without being emancipated. 17 is the legal age of sexual consent. It is a completely different issue. Legal disclaimer: All answers are for information purposes only. Answering this question or any future questions does not form any attorney-client…