
Can I marry a girl with white spots?

Can I marry a girl with white spots?

“Many matrimonial advertisements carry informaiton about girls with white patches. A person with vitiligo marrying another person with vitiligo is medically not recommended as there is a slightly higher chance of it passing on to the next generation,” Tawade said.

Can I pass vitiligo to my child?

What is known is that the risk of developing vitiligo increases in kids with a family or personal history of thyroid disease, diabetes, and certain conditions like alopecia (an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss). And vitiligo is never contagious — kids can’t “catch” it from someone else.

Which organ of the human body is affected by Leukoderma?

There are other conditions that make the skin change or lose pigmentation. These include: Chemical leukoderma: Exposure to some industrial chemicals cause damage to the skin cells, resulting in linear or splotchy white areas of skin.

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Can vitiligo transfer from father to baby?

How old do you have to be to get vitiligo?

Vitiligo can start at any time of life; but there is some difference of opinion as to the most common age for the first signs to appear. According to some sources, 50\% of cases develop before the age of 20, with this proportion decreasing with increasing age. Other sources put the typical age of onset at around 10 and 30 years of age.

Is vitiligo linked to stress?

Whereas adult onset vitiligo is more often linked to stress and thyroid disease. One rather unexpected research result, announced in July 2019, noted that the average age of onset for vitiligo patients has actually risen dramatically over recent decades.

Why are people with vitiligo eating more junk food?

A general trend towards healthier eating among people with particular health issues (including vitiligo) might be a factor. There has certainly been a growth in the use of health foods and supplements during the period studied. But, on the other hand, there has also been a massive increase in the availability of junk foods.

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Is koebnerisation the cause of vitiligo?

According to this research, vitiligo that develops during childhood is often associated with a family history of skin conditions and with Koebnerisation. Whereas adult onset vitiligo is more often linked to stress and thyroid disease.