
Can I join Made Easy in 2nd year?

Can I join Made Easy in 2nd year?

2 Years Classroom Course is exclusively designed for 2nd year and 3rd year college going students. At MADE EASY, we teach concepts from basic level hence this program offers the convenience of managing comprehensive syllabus without compromising the college curriculum and work schedule.

How can I attract my students?

Here are 10 tips to help you wrangle your students’ focus back to the lesson or task at hand.

  1. Be clear.
  2. Be patient.
  3. Pump up the volume.
  4. Play a game.
  5. Strike a chord.
  6. Fly like a butterfly, sit quietly like a bee.
  7. Narrate your count down.
  8. Use clever attention-grabbers.

Does Made Easy have online classes?

The MADE EASY Live/Online course provides: Real-Time Lectures: The students shall be able to watch the real-time class lecture of any subject they have enrolled for. Along with that, the students are also given 2 recorded sessions to learn from.

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What is Ctq in Made Easy?

What is unique about Concepts Through Questions (CTQ) Online Course? CTQ Online is a specifically designed Online course launched by MADE EASY PRIME (Unit of MADE EASY Group) for ESE 2021 & GATE 2021 which will also be useful for other competitive exams like State Engg. Exams and PSU exams.

What happens in your first year of University?

Your first year of university is, without a doubt, character-building. Of course, this could be either a good thing or a bad thing. To help every student make the most of their first year, we got in touch with a group who made it through that awkward transition and lived to tell the tale.

How can we support first-year students?

Learning communities are one institutionalized way to shepherd students through their first year, because supporting first-year students is a campus-wide responsibility, not one that falls solely on the shoulders of instructors. Many campuses offer freshman seminars–but consider block scheduling.

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What are your best tips for the first year of University?

“My best tip for the first year of university is not to be afraid of attending events alone. I went to so many gigs on my own to begin with, purely because I hadn’t formed a solid group of friends yet.

How do you survive your first year at University?

Real-life tips on surviving your first year at university. 1 Go your own way. “My best tip for the first year of university is not to be afraid of attending events alone. I went to so many gigs on my own to 2 Get work experience where you can. 3 Respect deadlines. 4 Develop a regular sleeping pattern. 5 Grades do count in first year!